Chapter 19

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Lauren are you ready to leave?- The doctor asked me

yes I am- I said smiling, he nodded and we walked out, I saw Christina and Lisa waiting for me. They hugged me when they saw me.

Let's go- Lisa said, we walked to the van where Mike, Kathrine and Alex where, the others where already at home. We drove home and we had dinner and watched a movie.

Am I going to school tommorow?- I asked

Maybe it's better if you stay home tommorow- Christina said

But I already missed a lot- I said

I know honey but you need to rest, you just got out of the hospital- Mike said, I sighed and without saing anything else I went to bed. Lisa kissed me on my forhead and also went to sleep.


I woke up and saw that Dani and Lisa were still sleeping, I walked downstairs to the piano and played after a while I start to sing to. When I finished I heard someone clapping, I turned around and saw all my sisters and Mike smiling.

Lauren that was amazing!- Lisa said

Thanks- I said

We should sing together- Kathrine said and we nodded. We sang see you again together.

We sounded amazing!- Amy said and Christina nodded

We should start a band or something- Dani said

Yeah and post covers on youtube!- Christina added and Dani and Amy nodded

What do you guys think?- Kathrine asked

I want to- Dani said

Me too- Christina said

I'm in- Amy said

Me too- Kahtrine said. Lisa and I didn't say anything, they looked at us

What about you guys?- Dani asked

I don't know guys- Lisa said

Why not?- Amy asked confused

I mean after everything that happened- Lisa said

But this could be our fresh start- Kathrine said

Well, you could give it a try- Lisa said and now they turned to me.

Guys I don't know, I mean singing isn't something for me, I like soccer not singing- I said

Please Lauren don't you want to sing with us?- Amy asked

I like singing with you guys but on the internet?- I said

At least we can try- Christina said

Alright fine- I said and they smiled

Wait guys! We need to go to work and Dani you need to go to school now!- Lisa said and they run upstairs. I sighed and made myself breakfist. Everyone already left so I was alone, I was bored so I decided to just write. I start to write about everything that happened to us, but still we stayed together. After a long time I fell a sleep on the couch.


So we just got back from work and when we walked inside we saw Luaren on the couch sleeping, she looked so cute!

Aw Look guys- Amy said and smiled looking at Lauren

She is so cute- I said and saw a notebook she was holding. I slowly grabbed it and saw she wrote a song. I read it and it was amazing! I really like it!

What are you reading?- Kathrine asked me sitting on the couch

Look Lauren wrote a really good song- I said and gave it to her. Christina and Amy read it too

It's really good- Christina said, then Lauren start to wake up. She saw us reading in her notebook

What are you doing?- She asked still tired

Lauren this song is really good- I said

Ow that, thanks- Lauren said rubbing her eyes

We should sing this in our first video!- Christina said

Yeah!- We said expect Lauren

Is it OK if we do?- I asked her

Yeah, yeah- Lauren said not really happy about it

Hey if you don't want it we don't- Christina said sitting next to her

No it's fine, it's just.....- Lauren said but didn't finish

It's just what?- I asked sitting next to her.

Well I'm not really excited about this all youtube thing- Lauren said

But why?- Amy asked sad

I don't know, singing is just something I do alone, not in front of a camera and so everyone can see and listen- Lauren said

But you are really good, it's a shame if you wouldn't show the world you talent- Kathrine said, Lauren just sighed.

So,..........when are we going to film the video?- Amy asked

I was thinking about today after dinner- Christina said and we nodded. We start to learn the lyrics and when Dani got home she also start to learn it. When we were sure about everything we start to film

Hi, I'm Christina

I'm Kathrine

I'm Lisa

I'm Amy

I'm Lauren

I'm Dani

And we're Cimorelli

We are going to do an original song called I got you- Christina said. After we sang I grabbed the camera and edided to video on our new channel. After I was done everyone was happy, well everyone expect Lauren. I decided to talk to her tommorow since it's really late.


GIRLS WAKE UP!- Christina screamed running in our room with Kathrine and Amy behind them.

What?- Dani asked still tired

We have 1 miljoen viewers!!!!!!- Kathrine screamed and everyone cheered.

See Lauren it was a good idea- Dani said, I just nodded.

We should do an another song next week or something- Amy said

Yes! and maybe this time a cover- Lisa said still really happy.

maybe I should give it a try

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