Alfasl Al'awal

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Present Day, London

Sersi and Diana stare up at the digital advertisement of Artifacts that Shaped Human History for the National History Museum with a picture of a familiar golden dagger. Sersi took a picture of it then scrolled through different filters for the right one to apply to the picture when a notification dinged on her phone.

"Shit," she mutters to herself.

She looks to her friend, "We're gonna be late. It was great to see you and catch up after all this time. Good luck on your first day," she says.

"Thanks. See you around Sersi," Diana bidded farewell.

The two women parted ways, each heading for their respective jobs. Ever since moving to London, England, Diana had been searching for a job and finally managed to secure a job as a tour guide for the British Museum. The museum had only been a fifteen minute drive from the National History Museum where Sersi worked, so before going in for her first day, she reconnected with her friend. They caught up, talking about the decades since they last saw one another before it was time to go to work. The dirty blonde haired Eternal caught a bus to work, taking a seat after paying the fare then stared out the window to watch the world blur by until the bus reached her stop. She de-boarded the bus, headed across the street and up the stairs of the British Museum.

Her black ballet flats padded across the linoleum floor as she walked through the museum, looking for the manager of the place when she runs smack into someone, nearly toppling over when a pair of hands grabbed onto her arms to prevent her from hitting the floor.

"O-oh my G-God, I-I'm so sorry," a soft voice stuttered out an apology.

Diana brushed away a section of her hair, that had fallen in front of her face when she bumped into the person, and readjusted her glasses. Her green-blue eyes met the dark brown eyes of the man that stood before her.

"I w-wasn't paying attention, I am so so sorry." he apologizes profusely.

"Hey, hey. It's okay, really. Breathe. No damage's been done." she tells him earnestly.

He takes a shaky deep breath before he's looking back up at her again. He stares at her, taking her in and she just smiles softly at him. He seems to realize that he was staring at her and quickly lets go of her arms and takes a step back.


She giggles softly, "No worries, really."

"W-were you heading inside?" he then asks.

"Yeah. It's my first day, I'm the new tour guide. I'm Diana." she holds her right hand out to him.

He puts his left hand in her outstretched hand and gives it a shake, "I'm Steven, with a V. I'm a gift shopist...I work in the gift shop, I-I mean." he lets go of her hand.

"It's nice to meet you, Steven with a V. Mind pointing me in the direction of our boss? I gotta get my name tag and such." she mentions.

"Oh, y-yeah. Yeah. Donna should be on the floor. She's not that hard to miss, she tends to yell at employees...or I guess she really just yells at me." he says the last part to himself.

"Thanks, Steven. I'll see you around." she gives him another smile before walking by him.

He turns to watch her leave before realizing what he's doing and heads for the gift shop. Diana walks into the main room of the museum and takes a look around at the artifacts on display. She walks up to a display case with a slab encased, with Hieroglyphics and two figures portrayed. She takes a closer look at the two figures painted and smirks when she notices who the figure on the right was. It was none other then her dear friend, Makkari.

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