Alfasl Alsaadis

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This wasn't where she expected to end Germany just outside the Austrian Alps. When Diana had decided to follow "Steven", noticing that slight difference to him, she didn't expect for him to travel to another country. She followed him from a distance, not wanting him to see her.

A fight occured and "Steven" managed to hold his own for awhile until he ended up face first in the grass. As much as she wanted to step in and protect Steven...she couldn't bring herself to actually do it, remembering that she was forbidden to interfere in human conflicts that didn't involve Deviants.

Then Steven, there was that change again that told her it was really him once again, got back up and he seemed to be having a one-sided conversation with the air before he pulled something out of his pocket, staring down at his hand for a moment then suddenly spinning around to look up at the building behind him.

And then shooting started, so Steven ran to avoid being hit. Diana quickly followed after him, tailing him into the village below. She easily blends into the crowd of villagers that are out and about, still following Steven at a distance. The dirty blonde freezes immediately when Steven's head turns in her direction, he looks directly at her but doesn't seem to recognize her...then he shifts his gaze back around. She notices how a group of people seem to part ways to let one man traverse between them, some of them slightly bowing or reaching out to touch the man. Subconsciously, she followed the others in crowding before the man.

"What a beautiful day. It's like we're in Heaven. Only it's not Heaven, is it?" the man speaks to his audience.

He turns around then, "It's a darkness. Sometimes it hides in our very hearts. We are here to make the Earth as much like Heaven as possible. Who'd like to go first?" he asks.

A man from the crowd stepped up.

"You're a brave man. Offering your soul for judgment." the man who had been speaking, places the top of his cane in between the volunteer's hands. "Wanting to serve our goddess even before she wakes." The cane starts to swing like a pendulum. "I judge you in Ammit's name with but a fraction of her power."

Diana notices the tattoo on the speaker's right forearm, was that of a scale which began to move before turning green.

"This is the face, of a good man." the speaker announces before embracing the man.

The crowd makes a noise of awe before the man returns to his place and the speaker turns back towards the audience.

"Who would like to go next?" he asks.

An elderly woman speaks up this time, "Please, Harrow. I must know." she tells him.

"Call me Arthur," he tells her.

"Come," he stretches a hand out to her, "Will you accept your scales, regardless of the outcome?"

"Yes." the lady answers.

Harrow places his cane between the woman's hands and watches as it swings. His scale tattoo turns red this time.

"I'm sorry," he apologizes.

"I've been good my entire life," she pleads her case.

"I believe you," he tells her. "But the scales see everything. Perhaps it's something that lies ahead. Well...I wish you could live to see the world we make. Yet, Ammit has decided."

The elderly woman suddenly turns gray and falls backwards. Two men pick up her body and carry her away. A man with a gun approaches Harrow and speaks with him, Diana couldn't hear what was being said from where she stood. Harrow suddenly says something in Ancient Egyptian and the entire crowd kneels before him...except for one person.

"Oh, bollocks." Diana hears Steven curse to himself.

"You...I know you." Harrow says, looking directly at Steven.

"Me? Hi, uh..." Steven waves before standing up.


The crowd stand up and look at Steven at Harrow's comment.

"Mercenary? No, no. I'm not a mercenary. No, I'm a gift shop-ist. I work at a gift shop. My name's Steven Grant. Uh...I'm trying to get back home. Back to London. London. Don't know why I'm saying it like that."

Diana mentally face-palmed herself at Steven's rambling but remained where she was. Not wanting to be the center of attention.

"Well, Steven Grant of the gift shop."


"Will you return the scarab?" Harrow asks him.

"The...the what? Oh, all right. Yeah, the...oh, you mean..." Steven pulls the scarab out of his pocket.

Then things started to get interesting. Steven offered the scarab to Harrow only for him to close his fingers around the object. He wanted to hand over the object yet he seemed incapable of doing so. Diana followed him once more and watched as he managed to single handedly take out a small group of people, then defend himself while on the road and yet, she knew that it was the alter who was doing the fighting while Steven remained clueless about it all.

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