Alfasl Althaalith

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In between giving tours, Diana spent her free time in the gift shop, chatting with Steven. That's how their friendship slowly blossomed over the course of a few days. The two of them would discuss the Egyptian era over the counter of the gift shop, in between customers before Diana had to lead another tour.

Something about today was going to be different, Diana could feel it as she woke up to her alarm going off on time. She pressed the off button then got out of bed after throwing her blankets back. Her barefeet padded across the floor over to her closet and she went through her clothes looking for the right outfit for the day before heading over to her small bathroom to take a quick shower then got dressed. She prepared herself a bowl of cereal for breakfast but before pouring her milk into her bowl, she popped across the hallway to knock on Steven's door.

"Steven, wake up call." she calls out.

"Right, okay. Thanks," she hears him call back after a moment.

She makes her way back into her flat and enjoys her breakfast after pouring milk into her bowl. Her gaze flickered around her flat as she ate, thinking to herself. Ever since Steven had told her about his sleeping problems, she took it upon herself to be his wake up call so that he wouldn't end up late for work.

She finishes up her cereal and placed her bowl in the sink then finished getting ready for the day. Just as she stepped out of her flat, so did Steven. They both locked their doors behind themselves then turned around to face each other.

"Ready to face the day?" she asks.

"Ready as I'll ever be, I suppose." he answers.

She looped her arm with his and the duo made their way down the hall towards the lift. They stepped aboard the lift once it arrived to their floor and took it down to the first level. When they walked out of the building, they had to step around the man who was always selling brooms and such in front of the building's entrance then made their way down the street to the bus stop. They caught the bus and rode their way towards the British Museum.

It didn't take long for Steven to rest his head on Diana's right shoulder, she put her arm around him to keep him steady as they rode along. When the bus reached their stop, Diana nudged Steven awake before taking his hand in hers, pulling him off the bus and across the street up the steps of the musuem. Steven's cheeks had turned pink when he felt her fingers intertwine with his, he still wasn't completely used to her just taking his hand at random to either pull him along or offer him comfort.

He felt coldness spread in his hand once Diana let go, as this is when they'd part ways to go to their respective positions. His dark brown eyes can't help but roam over her figure, taking in her outfit of choice for the day before his gaze was trailing back up to her face to meet her green-blue eyes, face flushing once again when he realized that she was looking back at him.

"S-so, I'll s-see you fo-for lunch...r-right?" he asks, stumbling over his words in nervousness.

"Of course! As always," she smiles at him.

He gives her a tentative nod before making his way into the gift shop. Her blue-green eyes observe his departing form, taking the chance to admire his backside without him noticing. She smirked to herself, which then dropped when she heard footsteps approach her.

"Diana, two people have requested to have a private tour lead by you." Donna tells her.

"Oh? Who are they?" Diana wonders.

"One said that she's a friend from college and the other is her niece. They're waiting for you over by the security platform. J.B has been keeping them company." Donna tells her.

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