Chapter 6

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"Fine." Harry said between clenched teeth. He left the door wide open, leaving Angie to close it behind us as we stepped into the party. The smell of alcohol and marijuana quickly filled my senses and I found myself coughing already.

"I'm going to go find Jack okay? Head over to the drink bar back in the kitchen and we'll meet up there." Angie yelled over the loud music. I nodded and then tried to make my way through the crowd of people. Although the walk to the kitchen was very short, a total of six people came up to me and asked if I wanted drugs, or if I had any drugs. Luckily there was no one in the tiny kitchen, which made me feel relieved. I always hated big crowds and got extremely nervous in them.

"Hey." Someone said from behind me. I quickly turned around, my hair flipping around as well to get stuck in my mouth because of all this damn lipstick Angie made me wear. I ungracefully pulled my hair from my mouth and was brought face to face with a gorgeous man. He was very tall and had short, brown hair that stood in a quiff, and big brown eyes. He seemed like the only other person here besides me who didn't have tattoos covering their body, making me wonder why I even agreed to coming. 

"Hi." I said breathlessly after turning around so quickly.

"You want a drink?" He asked, pointing to the mass collection of plastic red cups and alcohol on the counter.

"Sure." I squeaked, not sure why I sounded so nervous. Maybe because a cute guy's never asked me if I wanted a drink before, the annoying voice in my head said. I mentally cursed myself for being so shy and nervous around boys all the time. While I was fighting with myself in my head, the cute boy had already finished making me my drink.

"What is it?" I asked, slowly bringing the cup up to my nose to smell it, quickly regretting it after the strong stench of alcohol filled my nose.

"It's vodka with some coke." the cute boy smiled. I nodded and took a sip from the cup, trying to get it down without looking like I've never done this before.

"Thanks." I said quietly, returning the smile.

"No problem. I'm Dylan." Dylan said, stretching out a hand for me to shake. 

"Braydon." I said, stretching out my hand to shake his. His hands were much larger than mine as we shook hands, but I quickly pulled mine away realizing that my palms were somehow already sweaty.

"A pretty name for a pretty face." Dylan smiled again. I felt the blood rush up to my cheeks and turn them a bright red. I awkwardly laughed and then proceeded to try and hide my face behind the rim of my cup, taking another sip of the disgusting alcohol. Angie and Jack randomly appeared in the kitchen, seeming to save me from my extremely awkward situation.

"I see you've met Dylan." Jack said, moving himself and Angie to stand next to me.

"Yes I have." I smiled at Jack and then turning to smile at Dylan.

"Hey man Harry and I were going to go play beer pong, you want to join?" Jack asked Dylan, detaching his arm from around Angie's shoulders. Dylan agreed and the two left with Jack kissing Angie sweetly on the lips, leaving us two alone.

"Dylan's cute huh?" Angie said as soon as the left, taking a swig from her drink.

"Yeah he's alright I guess." I took another sip of my drink, hoping the redness in my cheeks has gone down. I noticed Angie rolling her eyes at me.

"Oh come on, he's gorgeous. If I wasn't dating Jack I'd definitely go for him." I could practically feel the awkwardness in the air, but it was probably just me. I have no idea why I'm so flustered.

"So whom does Harry live here with?" I asked, trying to change the subject.

"He lives here alone. He did have a roommate but he left."

"Why did he leave?"

"Harry paid him to leave. He said he didn't want to share this small house with someone else so he just offered him some money and he left." I felt weird asking the question that popped into my head but I couldn't help being nosey.

"How much did he pay him?"

"Three thousand dollars." I almost spit out my drink.

"Three thousand dollars?"

"Oh that's nothing. Harry's dad is the biggest CEO in London and his mom runs possibly the biggest fashion magazine in London as well. He's got tons of money." I nodded. It seemed cool to me that his parents were big business people but it didn't really affect me so I just brushed it off.

I looked around the house and it really wasn't that small, I don't see why Harry had a problem with sharing it. In the far corner of the living room I could see the beer pong table, well sort of. Tons of people were crowded around it because there was a match going on. There was loud screaming and yelling coming from over there, my guess is because it was now over the someone had won. The crowd soon cleared it's self and I could clearly see that Jack, Dylan and Harry were the winners. They were high fiving and smiling ridiculously big. I noticed Harry's dimples again. They made him look so... cute? Harry turned his head and his eyes landing on me, his smile long gone as a grimace took over his features. I quickly diverted my eyes back to Angie who had been watching me closely. 

"What?" I asked, hiding my face behind my cup again.

"Oh so Dylan's not cute but Harry is?" I hit her arm, trying to stifle my laughter. Sure Harry was very good looking, you'd have to be blind to think he wasn't attractive, but he wasn't the type of guy I go for.

"Alright, alright they're both cute, now are you done?" I asked, swallowing down the rest of my horrible drink.

"Maybe." Angie shrugged. I rolled my eyes at her.

"Shut up."

We're learning a bit more about Harry... Don't forget to vote if you're liking the story, it helps a lot! Thank you :)


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