Chapter 49

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Harry's POV

"Hey." Jack said on the other end. His voice sounding a bit stressed. I've known Jack for years, I can tell what he's feeling just by his voice.

"Hey, what's up?"

"God man I don't know how to tell you this..." He sighs and I can picture him running his hand through his hair. He hadn't even told me why he was calling me, yet I could already feel my heart sinking in my chest, like my subconscious already knew what was going on.

"Tell me what?" I pushed, wanting to get this over with. I looked at Braydon and she watched me carefully, her big brown eyes staring into mine, offering me a small smile. I smiled back, yet it felt forced because my mind was focused on what Jack was trying to tell me. He let out a loud and long sigh before he continued talking.

"James... he didn't show up to classes today."

"What does James not showing up to school have to do with anything Jack? Get to the fucking point." I was getting very irritated very fast, I could feel the blood pumping through my veins. I knew something was up. Jack grunted and I heard something fall on the other end of the line, he probably kicked over a chair or something.

"Fuck Harry he wasn't at school because he's at the hospital."


No please this can't be happening. My heart was beating out of my chest and I could feel my head getting lighter.

"What?" I asked, my voice sounding out of breath from the lack of oxygen getting to my brain. I pushed my hair back on my head, the room suddenly becoming too hot.

"Dylan told me."

"Told you what god damn it!" I yelled, waiting for the confirmation that this was all my fault. I noticed Braydon jump slightly at the sudden loudness of my voice, the loud sound booming throughout the house.

"It's Theo man."

I couldn't take this. I wasn't ready to hear this.

"What about Theo?" I dared to ask. My voice shaky and nearly breaking at the end.

"He's gone Harry. They couldn't pay the bills and they had to let him go this morning. I'm so sorry." I hung up. I don't even know if I hung up I just threw my phone across the room where it shattered against the wall, similar to the way my heart was feeling right now.

My legs weakened, so did every other ounce of muscle in my body. I fell to the ground, my back against the counter, hands shaking as I brought them up to my face.

I killed someone.

I killed someone with my own two hands. And he was gone. And there was nothing I could do to ever bring him back. I took someone out of this world, there's one less person on this earth because of me.

I could feel my breathing becoming erratic and I didn't know what to do with my body. It was like my mind had just shut down and the only thought going through it was, "I killed him."

I noticed a blur rush down towards me. Braydon. Her hands were on my cheeks in seconds, trying to get me to look at her, my eyes probably seeming lost and blank. My angel was trying to save me but I didn't know if I even wanted to be saved, if I even deserved to be saved.

I killed someone, of course I don't.

Braydon's POV

My heart stopped as I watched Harry throw his phone across the room, where it landed against the wall with a loud thump, leaving a dent in the wall and the phone shattered to pieces on the floor.

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