Chapter 55

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*warning! this chapter contains sensitive subjects like blood and stuff*

I think it's finally safe to say I've got my Harry back. He's been laughing more, smiling more and loving more freely. It did take a while but that's what I was expecting. Now that he was all better (at least that's how it looked for the outside) I honestly felt like we were a normal university couple.

I was back at Angie and I's apartment. I ran into her when I saw her, after not seeing her for the longest time. She hugged Harry too and he looked happy to see her as well. When Harry dropped me off at my apartment, it felt weird. We had been seeing each other everyday for almost a month and now I was back at my apartment. I had to convince Harry so many times that it'll be okay and that he needs to go out with his friends and do something without me for a couple of days. When he finally agreed I kissed him so many times, telling him that I love him and that I'm so proud of him for doing this. I knew it would only make him feel better, that's why I pushed him so hard to get out of the house.

I called Jack and told him to invite Harry out for a guy's night, he sounded so excited to hear that Harry could finally go out with him and the guys again. I was expecting Harry to call me after that to try and make up an excuse as to why he couldn't go, and he did just that.

"Bray I don't know if I want to go out..." I roll my eyes, even though he can't see me. We got him a new phone the other night after he had thrown his phone against the wall on that terrible day we heard the news about Theo.

"Harry I already told you, it'll be really good for you to get out of your house and see your friends for the night." I sigh, wishing he would just do what's best for him. He knows it's good for him but he's resisting because he doesn't want to leave the calm comfort of his home. That's what happens when you stay cooped up inside for three weeks.

"But I don't want to see people, I don't want to see people from school, I don't want to see anyone. Why can't they just stay at my place and we can chill out there?" He asks.

"Because you need fresh air." I say.

"Then we'll open a window." I roll my eyes again.


"I'm sorry Braydon, I just haven't gone out in a long time and it feels weird. Especially going without you." His words made my heart flutter and I hadn't really thought of that fact that he hasn't gone out without me in a long time. No doubt I would be missing him more than I already do.

"I've been missing you so much today." He continues and I can't help but get flustered and laugh a bit.

"You've been texting me all day." I giggle, looking over at Angie who's sitting and doing something on her laptop even though I know she's eavesdropping.

"I know, I know. I just miss you being with me, being able to hold you, kiss you, taste you..."

"Harry!" I blush, hoping Angie or his friends didn't hear that. I doubt they did.

"I'll kick them out, you can come over, just the two of us. Doesn't that sound nice baby?" I did, it sounded so nice. But that would be selfish of me to keep him to myself and away form his friends.

"Sounds very tempting but I can't unfortunately, Angie's already crying over this chick flick and is clinging onto me for dear life." I lie, feeling bad for it the second the words leave my mouth. I know Harry won't believe that.

"Go Harry, you'll have fun, trust me." I smile into the phone, hoping he can feel it.

"Fine, I'll go," I sigh with relief and leaning against the wall, smiling, "but I won't be able to stop thinking about you the whole time." He tells me and it makes my cheeks burn.

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