Chapter 18

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Harry led me through his house and into his backyard. His pool was bigger than I was expecting it to be. It was in a classic rectangle shape and had a light on the back wall. There were tons of giant rubber ducks and donuts floating around the pool, probably for when he had parties. Harry grabbed two towels while we were inside and placed them on his deck for when we were done. I looked over at him and he was sliding off his basketball shorts.

"What are you doing?" I asked, covering my eyes quickly.

"We're going in the pool in our underwear aren't we?" He chuckled. I could feel my cheeks starting to burn and I slowly removed my hands from my eyes.

"Oh, right." I awkwardly waited for him to turn around and when he didn't I spoke up.

"Aren't you going to turn around?"

"I wasn't panning on looking Braydon Alaska." He smirked before he covered his eyes with his hands and turned around. I rolled my eyes and turned around as well, just to make sure he wouldn't see anything, and peeled off my clothes I had worn today and then taking off my shoes. Once I was done I awkwardly tried to cover myself with my arms.

"You can um, you can turn around now." Harry turned around and his eyes locked on mine before slowly moving down my body. I felt really uncomfortable under his gaze and I knew my cheeks were a bright red.

"Are we going to go in or..." I asked, swinging myself back and forth on the balls of my feet.

"I was just about to ask you the same thing but you were too busy staring at me, again." Harry smirked, walking over to the deep end of the pool.

"I was not staring at you Harry." I rolled my eyes for what felt like the tenth time today.

"Sure you weren't." Harry rolled his eyes as well.

"You ready?" Harry asked as he stepped closer to the edge.

"I don't know." I hesitated, regretting my decision on going swimming with Harry.

"Braydon you're already out here so you might as well go in right?"

"Fine, okay I'm going." I shook my head, stepping closer to the edge where Harry was.

"On three we jump okay?" I nodded.




I felt the cool water hit my skin as I entered the water. A nice relief from the hot sun during the day. When I resurfaced Harry was doubled over in laughter, still at the edge of the pool.

"Harry!" I gasped, shocked that he had tricked me into jumping in. He continued to laugh and I was keeping myself afloat in the deep end.

"I can't believe you actually fell for that." Harry managed to say in between laughs. When he finally calmed down and stopped laughing, he jumped into the pool causing a wave of water to splash over me. Harry's head popped out of the water and his hair was way longer than it was when dry, the water causing his curls to fall apart and appear straight.

"You asshole." I huffed, splashing him with water. Harry returned the favor only with a bigger splash right into my mouth. I swam over to the shallow end, so I wouldn't have to keep propelling my feet, and ran my fingers through my hair to try and get some of the knots out. Harry swam up to where I was standing and floated next to me. I could still feel his eyes trailing up and down my body, despite the sun setting and the sky getting darker and darker by the minute, the dark water didn't do much to cover my exposed skin.

"What did you want to be when you were younger?" Harry asked suddenly. I turned my head to look at him and he was closer to me than I thought he was.

"Um... it's really dumb." I laughed, remembering my unrealistic dream when I was no older than four years old.

"I won't judge." I rolled my eyes.

"When I was four years old, I wanted to be a babysitter." Harry chuckled.

"That wasn't that bad what are you talking about?" Harry smiled, causing his dimples to appear and making my heart flutter.

"What about you?" I asked, wondering what a younger Harry would look like. The smile on Harry's face was now gone and it was replaced with a neutral look.

"I um... I can't remember." His voice was low and quiet, sad even. I desperately wanted his smile to return, partially blaming myself for making it go away but he was the one who had asked the question in the first place. I awkwardly walked over to Harry and splashed some more water into his face.

"Did you just splash me?" He said, placing a hand over his heart in disbelief. I shrieked as he tried to grab me, trying my best to swim away from him so he wouldn't catch me. I felt his hands wrapped themselves around my waist and throw me over his shoulder.

"Harry put me down!" I yelped, shocked that he had lifted me out of the water with such ease.

"You're going to pay for that." Harry said, his hand lightly slapping my bum.

"Harry!" I gasped. I couldn't believe he just did that. I began swatting my hands at his back and swinging my legs, trying to get him to let go of me.

"Stop squirming."

"Put me down!" I felt his large hands wrap themselves around my waist again and I was quickly thrown off his shoulder and into the deep end. I gasped for air once I was back up and quickly tried to swim away from Harry because he was back at chasing me again. I brought my self back over to the shallow end and when I turned around I couldn't see Harry anywhere.

I instantly began to panic, hoping he wasn't going to pop up behind me and scare me. I swam to the corner and waited for Harry to appear, wondering if he even knew where I was. Harry jumped out of the water and wrapped his arms around my shoulders as if I was still trying to escape. I let out a shriek and brought my hands up to his chest to try and push him away. Harry removed his arms from around my shoulders and took my hands in his, pinning them behind me. We were dangerously close again and he was backing me up against the pool edge.

"Gotcha." Harry smiled, keeping my hands firmly gripped in his so I wouldn't try and swim away.

Harry's eyes were staring into mine and our faces were inches apart from each other's, his chest brushing against mine. He slowly let go of my hands and brought them underneath my thighs, picking me up and setting me on the very edge of the pool. I gasped at the sensation of the cool cement under my thighs. His big hands then slowly parted my legs so he could stand in between them and rested his forehead against mine, nudging his nose with mine. My breathing was getting heavier and I'm positive that he could hear my heart beating out of my chest. Harry brought one hand up to my face and carefully brushed back a strand of my wet hair behind my ear, then proceeding to cup my cheek with it. I didn't know what to do with my hands so I just placed them on his chest, feeling his firm tattooed skin underneath my palms.

"What are you doing to me Braydon?" Harry whispered, his voice seeming deeper and raspier than before.

"I-I don't know." I answered dumbly. Harry chuckled and brought his thumb to run itself along my bottom lip, his eyes still gazing into mine.

"I'm going to kiss you." Harry stated. I nodded my head weakly, all feeling in my body gone since the moment he touched me. Harry slowly lowered his lips closer to mine, his breath fanning over them driving me absolutely insane. He brushed his lips over mine first, giving my just a glimpse of what was to come, and then before I even had a chance to breathe, his lips were on mine.

Hope you enjoyed! If you can get this to 10 votes I'll update tomorrow :)

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