Chapter 38

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All four of them emerged from behind the stage and loud cheering and high pitched screaming from me filled the stadium. Caleb, the lead singer, walked up to the microphone and asked us if we were ready, and of course we were. They opened up with one of my favorite songs called 'Temple', and I sang along even louder than Harry and I had sung in the car. I wasn't sure if my voice was going to last all night.

I was having the time of my life, the beat of the drum syncing with the beat of my heart and the guitar riffs were like gusts of wind through my hair. The lights danced over our skin and I truly felt at home, just from seeing a band with someone who I cared about so much. The concert flew by too quickly and before I knew it, they were announcing their last song, 'Sex On Fire'. This was probably their most popular song or their personal favorite and I'm glad they saved it for last because it was my all time favorite.

They sang it beautifully, just like all the other songs. I sang along louder than I probably should be but I didn't care. This was the best night of my life and nothing could ever top this.

The band started moving down the runway and I ran as close to it as I could, but they were still way up higher than I was. I felt Harry tap my shoulder and I turned around, wondering what he would want to ask me at a time like this.

He signaled to his shoulders, asking me if I wanted to get on them and I practically jumped on him. Harry lifted me up onto his shoulders and I grabbed tightly onto his hair out of fear of falling over. Harry walked up right next to the runway and I was now taller than everyone else.

Caleb was walking over to where I was and my heart started beating faster than it already was inside of my chest. Was he really coming over to me? I looked around and I was the only one on this side on somebody's shoulders.

He continued to sing and make his way over to where I was and I could barely breathe. He reached his hand out towards me and I locked my fingers with his almost immediately. He looked into my eyes and continued singing the beautiful song and I could feel tears welling up in my eyes. Caleb eventually let go of my hand and when he did I motioned for Harry to bring me back down.

When my feet hit the ground the first thing I did after wiping away my tears was hug Harry as tightly as I could. Day after day he continues to amaze me with the nice things he does for me, it was almost hard to remember the times when he would be rude to me.

Harry's arms wrapped tightly around me as well as we watched the band finish their song and head backstage once again. The lights went back on and everyone started moving out of the stadium. Harry led me through the mass of people while holding my hand tightly. After about five minutes of saying "sorry" and "excuse me" repeatedly because Harry was being rude and just pushing past everyone, we finally made it back to his car in the now slightly less packed parking lot.

We both got into the car and I noticed that the time on the dashboard read midnight. If Harry was just as tired as me I don't know how he's going to be able to drive for four hours.

"So, how was the concert?" Harry asked with a smirk on his face as we made our way out of the parking lot and onto the highway again.

"It was amazing, fantastic and breathtaking. I can't believe I actually touched Caleb's hand, he looked me right in the eyes and sang to me... everything was so amazing Harry, thank you." I smiled over at him. Harry grabbed my left hand closest to him and brought it up to his lips, kissing it gently.

"I'm glad you had fun." He said, bring my hand back down but kept a tight hold on it. I sighed and looked out the window. The desert was pitch black now, except for the headlights on Harry's car, and the highway was quiet as ever, I guess we were the only ones heading in this direction.

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