Chapter One

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"What the fuck, Alfie? Stop it!"

I jumped out of my trance immediately. "Sorry, man." That had never happened before, I've never been the one to zone out - especially not during a One Direction song. Marcus and I were recording an intro for a new video. It was cute; we were going to open up with a ballad of 'What Makes You Beautiful' - Marcus on guitar, and both of us on the vocals. His voice is actually quite good, which is why I zoned out. I mean...I sound like a fucking dufus when I sing, how in the world were my viewers supposed to take me seriously when there were angelic harmonies coming from the cunt beside me?

"You're insecure, don't know what for. Turning heads when you walk through the door.." That was Marcus' opening line, right after his guitar solo introduction. And again, this time consciously, I missed my line because I was distracted. God, his voice is lovely. I wonder if he'll make me a mixtape of his voice or something.

"Alfie, I swear to God, mess up again and I'll post this picture on Instagram," he said as he pulled out his phone and showed me a picture of myself, face planted on a sheet of ice right in front of my house. The picture was quite embarrassing and I'd prefer that nobody, except him, saw that picture - ever, so I pulled myself together and finished the song. I tried my best, but I was obviously not as good as him. Oh well... The viewers would love it!

On my way home, I listened the recording I secretly made of Marcus singing. You know sometimes how you just get really attached to an artist and download every album and single that they've ever released and are just completely obsessed for a few weeks? Yeah, well that was totally me right now, except all I had was this shitty iPhone recording of Marcus singing 'What Makes You Beautiful.' My heart skiped a beat and made me feel like I was in love. This was the life; good music, a fluttery heart, and sweater weather. Wait - was this normal? I mean, me feeling like I'm in love because of Marcus' voice? Blah, whatever... 

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