Chapter Five

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I'm now sure that this was the only reason Zoe came over. She had this planned the whole time, I just bet you. No, this was definitely not happening. She's got e-fucking-nough out of me today and she'd do nothing but embarrass me in front of Marcus. Marcus was not sleeping over and that was that.

"Oh, but please, Alfie? I won't say anything. It'll be fun!"

"Zoe. Are you fucking kidding me? You will make everything unbearably awkward and I won't know what to do. I won't even be able to leave, this is my house after all. "

"But Alfiiiieeeeeeeee," she continued, like a puppy. Oh, she was good. She was really good, but I was better. She was not getting away with this. This was not happening.

She picked up her phone, going through her contact list. No faster than when she got to the B's I snatched the phone away. To my disadvantage, she had already dialed Marcus' number and now it was ringing. Shit shit shit shit. Nope. Nope. Nope. Not happening. I hung up.

"Alfie, fuck! How do you ever expect him to like you back if you don't put yourself out there?" She had a point. An annoying, pesky little point, but she had one. 

"As long as you keep your mouth shut, then fine. Call him back and he'll stay over."


"Hellooooo," I heard his voice. Okay, this is ridiculous but I literally felt like a teenage girl. My heart fluttered and I felt my cheeks turn red. I genuinely felt like jumping up and down. Tonight, although against my will, would be fun.

"Hey," I gave him a simple greeting, "how's it goin'?"

Zoe ran up immediately and took his things into the living room. I watched him follow her. Well... More like his ass follow her. He had a great butt, I'd never noticed. I wonder... 

Oh my God. No. Gay thoughts? Already? Damn... This would definitely taking some getting used to. Marcus was sitting on the couch when I turned the corner, on his phone probably texting some girl. I shook that thought out of my head, it made me feel a little down to be honest. 

We all just did our own thing for a few minutes - Marcus on his phone, Zoe on her laptop, and me just sitting there, beside Marcus, thinking about different ways I could disappear when Zoe embarrasses me. 

"I could literally fall asleep right now. Let's get a movie on, yeah?" Marcus said, tiredly.

Oh, I could totally do a movie! "Oh yes! What kind? I say comedy!" They agreed. I got up and went to my movie shelf and picked up one of my favourites, SuperBad. It's hilarious and Marcus would be able to stay up.

Marcus pressed play, turned the lights off, and sat beside me on the couch again. When the movie started, he curled his legs onto the couch and rested his head on my shoulder. Was this happening? I swear I couldn't breathe! Oh my God! Marcus' head was on me! I looked at Zoe and she was smiling ear to ear. My cheeks went hot. I put my arm around Marcus' shoulders and nuzzled my head ontop of his. This was nice.

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