Chapter Four

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Nothing really happened at Nandos. I mean... We ate, but nothing in regards to wha Zoe wanted to know. She asked, but I dropped it immediately. If she wanted to talk about my personal life then it would have to be in private. I can't take the chance of people hearing. I was hardly okay with having a crush myself, let alone Zoe knowing, let alone strangers. It would be a long time before I'd come to terms with all of this... We had a good time though, Zoe and I always do. I sort of understand why people ship us together, we literally look like we're in love. Of course, we now know that's not what's happening.

When we got to my place, Zoe wasted no time getting to the questions. God, had she no self-control? My mum could have been home! Luckily, after my quick run of the house, I realized she wasn't and unwillingly let Zoe finish with her badgering.

"When did you realize? Does he...You know? Like you too? Do you think?" Why was she asking me these things here? Why didn't she just ask me at her's?

"I literally noticed this morning. I guess I've probably liked him for a while, but I never actually noticed it this morning And no, he doesn't know. Of course not! I don't have a chance! Have you never seen me?"

"Alfie, stop. You're really good-looking and you have just as much chance as every beautiful girl out there. You've just got to put yourself out there."

Yeah, I know. She gave me the same pep talk before I confessed my crush to my last girlfriend. She really does know everything about me. How did we even get to this point? I'll never know. It's crazy though, because I hardly know Zoe! Not her personal problems at least. I hope one day she'll understand I won't judge her. For the time being though she just fills me in with the general gist of her life. She's got Louise for the rest. I am really thankful for her though, I wouldn't have had anybody to talk to.

"Yeah, yeah, Zoe. Okay." There was no point in doubting her.

My mum walked in the door immediately. Oh my god, how much had she heard? I may have been ready to come out to Zoe and to myself, but I swear my mum would be the last person if I could have it that way. It's not that she would disown me or even judge me, but that would probably be the most awkward conversation imaginable. "How are you, sweetie? And Zoe?" She smiled.

"I'm great, thanks. So it's okay if I stay over your's for the night?" Zoe asked shyly.

"Of course, love. You're welcome anytime," my mum answered genuinely, "now what would you two like for supper?"

"Oh, we already ate at Nandos. If we get hungry we'll just order a pizza or something," I replied.

"Okay. Well I've got a dinner to go to with a couple friends from work, so I won't be home until midnight or so."

"Sure, okay."

My mum went upstairs to change before going out and Zoe gave me another one of her devilish looks.

"Let's ask Marcus to stay over!" She screamed!

No way. Not in hell.

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