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I watch my phone as I wait for my alarm to go off. I never got a chance to sleep as I was worried about the blind date Kim set me up with. What am I supposed to do? I can't even get over Corey! It's been 10 years since I've seen him. 

I get out of bed and rush to get ready. 

"Lanes, look what I found!"

I turn to Corey as I finish fixing up my bass. He waves a picture of me in my queen bee outfit from the time we tried a pageant gig (episode 8, queen bee) in the air.

"CORE, where did you get that? Burn it!"

He gives me a sly grin, "Why? You look cute here!"

I feel my cheeks burn up and look around for Kin and Kon, to see if they overheard. 

"Relax, they went out for cheese."

I give out a sigh of relief. "Now where did you get it?"

He ignores my question and runs away as I try to chase him. 

"Give it to me!"

"No way! I'm treasuring this!" Corey yells back. 

I slip into the shower and realize I've been daydreaming again. I miss you, Corey. 

Time passes by and I finish getting ready. My hair is medium length, and my makeup is light, but I make sure to add my signature eyeshadow. I have a black and green dress with puffed yellow sleeves, a gold necklace with a little bead on it, a yellow clip, and long black boots. I study myself in the mirror and decide I'm good to go. I can admit, that I am a bit nervous. I haven't had any interaction with a man in a while. I basically just hung out with the Newmans, but never joined their band. We kept a low profile, as I didn't want to be spotted with them and harassed with many different questions about them. They've become pretty well known. Whereas Grojband had fallen apart. Trina had found out about Corey using her diary for lyrics and told their dad, who sent him to boarding school. The twins had moved towns because their mom was hired for a high-paying job in the next town over. I still have their contacts and keep in touch, but Corey is nowhere to be found. I recently found out Trina had moved to the US, but not sure where. The Riffin house is basically deserted. I occasionally come to visit the garage when I'm having a bad day. I don't know where Mr. or Mrs. Riffin went though. I get into my car and drive to Barney's Steakhouse. 

As I get out, I check my watch and realize I've arrived pretty early. The restaurant is fancy, and Kim told me she already had reservations made.

"Hi, I have a reservation made, my name is Laney Penn."

The lady checks through her book and assigns me table 6.

She hands me a menu and leads me to the table. My date is already there and he waves.

"Hey, you must be my date!" He says.

I nod. "Yup, I guess we're both early! I'm Laney."

"Nice to meet you, Laney! I'm Carson!" 

I take a seat and look at the stranger in front of me. He looks awfully familiar. He has blue hair and striking brown eyes. I could stare at him forever. He's so cute. Although, he does look really similar to Corey... 

I stare down at my feet. I'm really awkward in these situations and find it hard to communicate. 

"Sorry, did I make it awkward?" Carson asks. 

I wave my hands in front of me. 

"No, no! Of course not, I just get easily nervous." 

"Ahh, okay. So, what do you do for a living?"

"I'm a musician, I post covers on YouTube," I reply.


He takes out his phone and shows me the screen.

"I'm subscribed, your covers are great!" He compliments. "I didn't know if this was you or not the second I saw you so I decided to not say anything." 

I smile at the comment. 

"What do you do?" I ask, trying to keep up the conversation. 

"Oh, well I am also a musician! I do shows at restaurants. We should collab sometime." 

My eyes light up. 


He nods. 

A waiter walks to our table and hands us some water. 

"Feel free to look through the menu and see if anything interests you. I'll be back in a few minutes to take your orders."

Carson nods and thanks the waiter.

A few minutes later the waiter comes back and we order some food. 

"Lanes- I mean Laney, I'll be back. I need to go to the washroom." Carson says and walks away. 

Lanes? I haven't been called that in a while, and only Corey called me that. My eyes fill with tears and I quickly make them go away. I pull out my phone and text Kim. 

Me: I don't think I can do this anymore. He reminds me too much of Corey and I feel bad for thinking of him. I'm not as over Corey as you thought! I like Carson and all but it feels wrong.

Kim: Keep on going with the date! You won't regret it ;)

Me: what?

Kim: Come on! You have a lot in common! 

Me: This is wrong to think about someone else during a blind date!

Kim: Just do it!  Please :(

Me: Fine.

Carson comes back and takes a seat.

"I passed by one of the waiters and he said our food was on the way," he tells me. 

"Ah, okay," I respond, not knowing what to reply with.

I don't know what to think, except that this is awkward as hell. I can tell he's also nervous. For a couple of minutes, I use my phone and wait for the food to arrive, and Carson does the same. 

The waiter walks by and hands us our food. Carson and I thank him and he walks away. 

"WOW, this food is so good." Carson marvels as he takes pieces of his steak.  

"It really is! The top ratings don't lie when they say this is the best steakhouse around."

He smiles and I smile back. Nothing happened much afterwards.

"Hey, before we go, can we exchange numbers?" Carson asks.

I write my number on a piece of paper and hand it to him. 

"Nice to know she still has the same number," he mumbled. Although Laney couldn't hear him and just shrugged.

He writes his number on the same paper and tears it off. 

"Here's mine."

We say our goodbyes and part ways. I didn't think it would be as great as it turned out to be.

Blind Date-GrojbandWhere stories live. Discover now