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Wednesday, the 20th of December 2023

The next day, Ceridwen tried to get to the bottom of whether these people were alive or not. She had only stalked and found out about two of the people on the list. When she found out that it was already night-time, she went home, took a long bath. She felt like she let her sister down.

She was on her phone trying to escape all this sadness when Olyvia called her. She said something about Trump but Ceridwen wasn't listening. She told Olyvia that she had things to do right now and hung up on her.

She was going to go to bed when she got a notification from Fox News, her favourite news source. It told her that it had just published an article about Donald Trump. Ceridwen knew she wasn't going to sleep this early so she opened the article just to find out that the headline said: DONALD TRUMP IN REDACTED?!!!!!, HE SAID THE COUNTRY WAS IN DANGER?!!!!!!!!,
Ceridwen was scared but she continued reading the article.

Thankfully, she did such a good job at disguising herself as Trump that everyone believed that she was him, even Melania, his wife. She mentally cussed. She didn't know what to do, what the consequences would be.

She stood up, and walked frantically around her house, woke up her daughter by accident who asked her where "dad" was. Ceridwen was frankly over Timothée dying. Now that she had time to think about his actions, she realised that he wasn't a good person at all. She told Selena that Timothée wouldn't come back.

Something unexpected happened, Selena told her she already knew. Ceridwen was surprised to say the least. She asked her how she knew and Selena replied that she knew how to turn on a TV and that his death was the second most talked about subject in the news. She also told her that she actually preferred him gone because she saw how he became and how it was affecting Ceridwen. Ceridwen hugged her daughter and they both went to sleep.

Thursday, the 21st of December, 2023

Ceridwen refused to give up. That day, she managed to get through 10 people and not check her phone once.

In the evening, she turned on her phone and realised that someone had sent her a message. It said that if she wanted to know what had happened to Timothée, she would have to give the person 65 cents. The weird thing was that the person's profile picture was a donkey.

She was surprised that the person only asked 65 cents. It was most likely a scam but because no one knew that she was investigating her boyfriend 's death, so she sent them 65 cents. The person replied merely seconds later saying that they will tell her in 3 days. It was definitely a scam.
She asked them what their name was, in case she needed to tell the police and they told her that it was DonkeyDog.

She turned on her TV and went on Fox News and was surprised that the headline was that Donald Trump was in REDACTED

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She turned on her TV and went on Fox News and was surprised that the headline was that Donald Trump was in REDACTED. She listened to the journalists speaking. They were saying that Donald Trump had tweeted that it wasn't him and posted a picture to prove his point. She was stressing out but continued watching. They said that the CIA was investigating at the moment to find out who the imposter was. She was in deep shit.

Friday the 22nd of December 2023

Nothing really happened that day. In the beginning of the day, Ceridwen was going to investigate some more but she was reminded of all the times Timothée had been rude to her, and she told herself that she needed a break. He really had an awful personality. She didn't want to think about him.

She went to a spa to clear up her mind. She had a pretty relaxing day. She was having her toenails cut when she saw Charli D'Amelio. Her student was stalking Ceridwen because she missed her very much. It was really awkward, so awkward in fact that Ceridwen ran away.

A few hours later, she was about to go to sleep when she got a message from DonkeyDog. It said that if she sent him 326 orange cakes without the oranges, he would send her the name of the person who killed Timothée at 6 o'clock the day after.

Ceridwen didn't know what to do. The person was most likely playing her. She wasn't going to do it. But she didn't have any other way to find out who killed Timothée so she started baking the cakes. She didn't know how to bake an orange cake without oranges so she looked it up on Google.

After baking 200 cakes she was exhausted but she had to continue cooking. Her daughter asked her what she was doing and she simply replied with a smile, her daughter left the kitchen and went to sleep.

The teacher cooked all night long and finally baked 326 cakes. She didn't know where to send the cakes, so she messaged Donkeydog. He told her to put them in her classroom but she had to do it right then.

Ceridwen wanted to abandon her task and get some sleep but she persisted. She knew she couldn't take all the cakes with her at once. She will have to make multiple trips and put everything in her classroom before 8 AM so thatthe principal won't see her.
She started putting the cakes in her car. She could fit around 50 cakes in it, so that would make at least 7 trips. She was annoyed to say the least.

When she reached the middle school with the first 50 cakes, she was scared that some kind of alarm would go off because it was the middle of the night. Thankfully, nothing happened.

After she finished putting all the cakes in her classroom, she messaged DonkeyDog. He told her to go home and sleep. Ceridwen felt silly. She had baked hundreds of cakes and wasn't sure it was worth it, her mind was telling her to get the cakes back but she was too tired. She walked away from the classroom, went home and slept.

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