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Monday, the 20th of January 2023

After a week of anticipation, the day that Olyvia would come back had finally arrived. Ceridwen didn't get a chance to apologise to Olyvia until 10 Am. She opened the door slightly, to make sure that she wasn't interrupting something but froze. She saw Ed Sheeran's head on a stick stuck on the table talking to Olyvia. She was horrified. She wanted to run away but Olyvia was walking towards the door. She yelped.

Well done Ceridwen! Olyvia knows someone's behind her door now!

Olyvia opened the door. The two stared at each other for a few minutes, apologised at the same time and then hugged. That was going better than expected. Ceridwen and Olyvia kept apologising to each other. It was very emotional but they were cut off by Ed Sheeran.

"What's going on?? I can't, see I don't have a neck anymore!", she yelled

Olyvia closed the door behind her and asked Ceridwen if she wanted to go out for drinks in the evening. Ceridwen said yes, she couldn't wait to reconnect with her friend.

During the whole day, she was awaiting the evening. When she finally went to the bar, she saw that there was someone with Olyvia. She instantly felt jealous. This was supposed to be just Olyvia and her that night but she put a smile on her face and headed towards the table where Olyvia and the random guy were sitting.

Her first thought when she saw him clearly was "Hot🔥🔥".

She didn't know the person so she asked him questions about himself

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She didn't know the person so she asked him questions about himself. He told her that his name was Tom Hardy, that he met Olyvia in prison and that they were besties now. Ceridwen felt pure jealousy but she didn't know whether it was towards Tom or Olyvia.

Not even an hour later, she couldn't handle being with them anymore. They had so many inside jokes. So she texted her good friend Alex, asking him to come to the bar.

Alex came into the bar less than 10 minutes later. He walked towards their table, sat down and froze when he saw Olyvia. He was lovestruck.
Alex started talking to Olyvia right away, and Ceridwen couldn't help but help but regret her decision. She wanted Alex to distract Tom, not Olyvia.

After a few minutes of staring holes into Alex's head, and him not noticing at all, Alex and Olyvia went to dance. Ceridwen felt all alone again but realised that Tom was sitting next to her and that he was alone too. That caused her to want to get away even more but she sucked it up and started talking to Tom.

It turned out Tom was not the villain she painted him to be. He was actually a nice guy, they talked for a while and he even asked her on a date. Ceridwen didn't know what to do. On the one hand he was very hot but on the other hand... she realised that she had no reason not to say yes so she accepted. They set the date to the day after at 1 PM.

When she went back home, she was overjoyed. Tom was hilarious and attractive. She went to sleep with a smile on her face.

Tuesday, the 21st of March 2023

The date went well, they were truly made for each other. She told him about Timothée and he told her about his ex. They had such chemistry! Before she knew it, she was inviting Tom to dinner to introduce him to Selena. She felt as if she would have to tell Selena to behave but Tom was a natural charmer. Selena loved him and in a couple of weeks Tom had already moved in.

Wednesday, the 5th of July 2023

Ceridwen was living a dream. She had a caring boyfriend that her daughter loved, Olyvia was her best friend again, she was working on her fear of the principal, everything was perfect.

It was the last day of school. She was explaining to the year 10s that the word "two" had a 'w' in it when she heard the song "Wet Ass Butt" from her phone. Someone was trying to call her. She looked at the caller ID, Alex was calling her. Alex only called for emergencies so she excused herself, walked out of the classroom and picked up.

She didn't expect Alex to ask the most random question ever. Was Olyvia allergic to oranges? She told him that Olyvia wasn't allergic to oranges. She told him about their Orange Juice Fridays when they would drink freshly-squeezed orange juice at lunch.

Talking about oranges reminded her of DonkeyDog. She had tried to message him but he hadn't replied. She didn't care anymore, it was in the past now. She asked Alex why he asked her the question and he told her that he had tried to propose to Olyvia and had even bought orange cake but she had run away when she saw the cake.

Ceridwen was shocked. He could have told her what he was about to do! She also thought it was weird that she ran away, Olyvia was a lot of things but she wasn't a coward and she seemed to be in love with Alex the last time she saw her.

She called Dev Patel and asked him if he could investigate that. She wasn't expecting him to tell her that she was a great detective so she could find out on her own. Ceridwen thought it was weird that Dev knew about her investigation but he was the best detective ever so he must know everything. She told him that she accepted the case.

She was so happy, she was now like her idol, Poirot. She told her students that class was over, they all cheered and ran out of the classroom.

She was thinking about the investigation when Olyvia ran past her. Ceridwen stopped her and asked why she ran.

"I'm in love with Dev Patel", Olyvia answered.

Ceridwen was in shock but she knew what her priority was. The case wasn't closed because she still had to find out why Olyvia refused to eat oranges.

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