Tuesday, the 19th of December 2022
It had been a day since Timothée's death, her sister's arrest and Olyvia's return. The cops closed the case and the school reopened.
Ceridwen was crying into Olyvia's arms. This was too much. She knew her sister couldn't have done something as vile as killing Timothée, it was impossible. Sure her sister hated Ceridwen's boyfriend but she would never go as far as killing him.Ceridwen had to find out who killed Timothée. If not for her sister for closure. She still didn't feel like Timothée was really dead. Sure they found his body but it could be a fan who had plastic surgery to look like his idol. Everything was possible, it was 2023 after all.
In the detective shows she watched, hair was always a valuable clue. She picked it up, it was red. Hmmm..
She was thinking about the people she knew with red hair when she heard Olyvia say "I have to go or something " in a shaky voice.That was weird, she thought.
She then cursed to herself. Olyvia wasn't a murderer for fuck's sake! She was her best friend who came back after 20 years. She shouldn't be thinking that.
She continued crawling on the floor. After hours of crawling and being judged by absolutely everyone, she found nothing. She had no evidence so far, she only had the hair. She started suspecting that Olyvia might have done something but realised that Olyvia was just in the room with her. People lose hair, so of course it was her hair.
Ceridwen felt as if she was going crazy. She was making up conspiracy theories, it was so unlike her! She took a deep breath and tried to calm down.
Suddenly, she had an idea. What if she went to the place Timothée was supposedly murdered. She would maybe find something.
She drove there, completely ignoring her duties, she was supposed to be at work. She got out of her car and went to the bottom of the dune. She saw police cars and asked a police officer to see the body. They were reluctant at first but she was pushing so much that they let her in.
When she saw the body, she knew for sure it was Timothée. He was on their date but she didn't see him. Maybe the killer would've killed her too!
She needed to find clues. To do that she needed her special attire. She went behind a bush and dressed into her Poirot cosplay. She drew a moustache above her lip and took out her magnifying glass.
After hours of searching, she didn't really find anything. She didn't give up because it was an enormous place. A clue could be hidden anywhere. While she was searching, she didn't realise that Timothée was sent to a forensic lab.
An hour after that, still nothing. She didn't understand, she inspected every leaf from every bush and even tasted sand.She gave up and asked the police for the forensic reports. She knew she wanted to find out everything on her own but it was harder than she had imagined. The police obviously denied, so she tried to threaten them. She clearly didn't think it through because they all took out their guns and pointed them at her.
She told them that she was only threatening them as a joke while fake smiling. They all let out a groan and put down their weapons. Did they actually want to kill her? She wanted to run away but stayed, she had to find a way to convince them.
She had finally succeeded after approximately 122 minutes of repeating the sentence "Give me the forensic reports" over and over again. The police officer she was annoying told her the address of the forensic lab. It was probably by mistake. The officer was pretty dumb
Ceridwen got in her car and drove to the lab. She had to sneak in so she stopped at a costume shop and bought a disguise. She wandered around in the shop not knowing who she was going to disguise herself as, but then, she saw it. A Donald Trump mask.
She felt drawn to the mask. It was it, her missing piece. She bought it. She now had to complete the costume. She took one of Timothée's vests that was in her car and stuffed it with everything she could find : an avocado, pens, live schwanger rats,...
When she looked fat enough she went to an art shop and bought orange paint for her arms and neck. She was ready.She went into the building and asked to see the doctors in a loud voice. Now that she looked like Trump, she had to be Trump. The woman at the front desk was shocked to see the 45th American president. She told her to hold on, pressed a red button and opened the door.
Ceridwen was about to walk into the lab when the woman asked for a selfie. She naturally said yes. She was happy that someone appreciated her art. She wasn't thinking about the consequences.
After taking the selfie, Ceridwen sneakily walked into the lab. No one was there. On the desk there was a file that had Timothée's name written on it under the word CONFIDENTIAL in red. How convenient.
After flipping through the pages, she found out that the only thing the police knew was that there was the DNA of a person who was presumed dead on Timothée's shirt. The English teacher thought about all the detective novels that she had read. The most popular plot was the one in which people fake their death to stay undetected by the police.
She used the lab's high-tech computer to get a list of people who were presumed dead in the last 30 years. She called the principal and told her that she wasn't going to work for at least 2 months because the list was very long, but the principal told her that she could at the longest get a week off of work. She only had one week to start solving this mystery.
She heard someone walking in the lab, she didn't know what to do so she froze, thinking she could blend in with the desks. She obviously couldn't. The person was surprised.
"Donald Trump! What are you doing here?", she asked.
The person had such a strong accent that it took her a few minutes to understand what she had said. The English teacher inside Ceridwen wanted to tell her that it was pronounced "what are you doing here" not "va are iou din hé". But she stopped herself.
"It's confidential. My nation is in trouble. Go! And by the way I'm a piece of shit.", she said using her deepest voice.
She didn't mean to let that slip. Her anger and hatred towards Mr Trump Jr. took the best of her. The man was confused but still ran out of the room. She started reading the names on the list. She came across Olyvia's name. She skipped it. It wasn't her for sure.
The Fanfiction 2
Misterio / SuspensoWhat happens when someone from Ceridwen's past comes back? does it mean a rekindled friendship or a dead boyfriend