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Tuesday, the 26th of December 2023

The next morning, when Ceridwen woke up, the police had already left with Olyvia. She walked down the stairs and realised that it was just Olyvia's family and her. She ate her breakfast as fast as possible and left in a hurry. She didn't want to be embarrassed.

While she was driving home, the guilt really got to her. She just had sent her best friend to prison and she didn't even let her explain what happened. All of that for Timothée wasn't a good boyfriend. In addition, her sister was going to stay in prison because while she was there, the police found out she did tax fraud. She couldn't do anything about it anymore, she just hoped that when Olyvia would get out of prison, she would forgive her.

Christmas vacation (end of December - beginning of January)

The days just blended together, it was endless. She would wake up, eat, read bad books, eat again and go to sleep. Her daughter asked her to stay to her aunt's house and Ceridwen agreed.

One day, she was sitting on a park bench when she saw CIA agents walk towards her. She had forgotten about the investigation! She knew she couldn't run away, that would be too suspicious, so she stood still as they were walking towards her.

"We know you know who disguised themselves as our ex-president." one of them said.

She didn't know what to say. She was thinking about her reply when she saw one of her year 9s, Mayonnaise. Cécile pointed at her.

"She did it! SHE DID IT!!! ", she yelled

The CIA agents were so over this investigation that they didn't even ask Mayonnaise any questions. They just went up to her and arrested her.

That was the only thing that happened to her that was kind of eventful. Her life was a blur.

Monday, the 9th of January 2023

Ceridwen went back to work, hoping that her life would stop being so boring but she was wrong. She had the same routine : go to work, teach, go back home, sleep. Her daughter stayed at her sister's house.

She was so bored that she was considering dressing up as Trump just for fun. She was about to do it when she remembered that Olyvia's prison sentence was going to be over in 2 months. This brought a smile to her face, the first in a while.

Monday, the 13th of March 2023

That day, Ceridwen was asked to the principal's office. She was so scared that her legs were shaking like Jell-O when she walked to the office's door. She knocked, and went in while looking at the ground from submission. When she looked up, she saw the famous detective Dev Patel.

Mme Lemaire told her that Dev Patel will be keeping an eye on Olyvia when she gets back. Ceridwen wouldn't admit it but she got undeniably happy when she heard that Olyvia was coming back. The principal just thought it would be good to let Ceridwen know. And so, with a rare positivity, she went back to her classroom.

When she taught her students, she didn't even get angry once. She was so happy during the day that she caught herself doing things that she never did. Listening to the birds chirping, for example.

She had to pick up Selena from her sister's place so she drove to her house right after work and greeted her sister with a big smile.

"What got you in a good mood?", her sister asked

"Olyvia's coming back!!", she exclaimed

She went into the house, hugged her daughter and picked up her suitcase. She and her daughter were singing stupid songs on the way home. They cooked dinner and went to sleep.

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