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Saturday, the 23rd of December 2023

When she woke up, she checked her phone. She thought that DonkeyDog's text was just a dream. She checked her phone and realised she had 1 unread message from DonkeyDog. She cursed when she saw what it said. She couldn't believe it. It was written "Olyvia ''.

She should've trusted her instinct. She knew it was her from the start! Why didn't she listen to herself?
She had to find Olyvia and make her pay for what she did. The only problem was that she didn't know where she was spending her vacation. She thought about the people who might know and Mr Lil came to her mind. He was also Olyvia's bestie.

She got out of bed and did her morning routine in a rush. She drove to the middle school and crashed into the fence. She got out of her car and ran to Lil's classroom. Lil was always in his classroom, even on weekends.

Lil was so surprised to see her, he fell on the floor and passed out. Thankfully, he didn't have class this morning. He woke up after a few minutes when Ceridwen threw cold water on his face. He asked her why she was there, and she told him she needed to know where Olyvia was.

Ceridwen told him that she was feeling very sad recently and needed her best friend's support. Lil wasn't an idiot, he could see right through her game but he told her anyway. He didn't want to be on her bad side (she could kill him). He told her that she and her family had rented a cottage in Switzerland. Ceridwen asked him the precise address and surprisingly he knew it. Ceridwen thanked him and ran out of the classroom.

She had to find a way to the cottage. She booked train tickets while driving and sent her daughter to her other sister's house.

Sunday, the 24th of December 2023

She drove to the train station in the evening. She wasn't going to spend Christmas with her daughter and that saddened her but she had to save her sister. She called Selena on the train and wished her a merry Christmas. They were in the middle of a conversation when her sister took the phone and told her that it had almost no battery left. She said goodbye and slept.

Monday, the 25th of December 2023

She was woken up by the woman sitting next to her telling her that they had arrived. She checked her phone, it was 3.23 AM.

She walked out of the Geneva train station and rented a car. She drove to the cottage. It took her 3 times the time it was supposed to take to go there because of the snowstorm. She got out of her car, put the hood of her black coat on and walked slowly to the front door. When she was in front of the door, she called the police. She explained the situation and they told her that they'll be there as fast as possible. That was it, she was going to free her sister.

She kicked the door open to be dramatic but it didn't go as planned, the door collapsed. Snow went everywhere in the cottage and she could hear screams. Someone yelled that the door broke. She chose that time to go in. She looked around the room and spotted Olyvia on the ground. She went up to her, bent down to her height and took off her hood.

"I know what you did", said Ceridwen sternly

Olyvia looked shocked.

"I'm sorry!", she let out.

Seeing Olyvia made Ceridwen see red.

She punched Olyvia in the face.

Olyvia fell down with a bang and tried cutting off Ceridwen's legs with the axe she kept with her at all times

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Olyvia fell down with a bang and tried cutting off Ceridwen's legs with the axe she kept with her at all times. Ceridwen knew about the axe (DonkeyDog had told her about it) so she was able to dodge the blade. She kicked Olyvia in the face and punched her again

 She kicked Olyvia in the face and punched her again

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Olyvia laid on the ground defeated. She begged Ceridwen to not sell her out to the police but Ceridwen told her it was too late. The police arrived at the cottage. Ceridwen didn't know why but the cops were the same as the ones at the dune. Were they the only cops in the world?

The police were taking Olyvia away. Ceridwen felt bad, her best friend had only come back for a week and was arrested. She told the cops about article 9.5.3 of the constitution. After a long discussion, they agreed that she would only be in prison for 3 months instead of 45 years.

The cops dragged Olyvia out of the cottage. Her family was crying. Ceridwen was on the verge of tears too. After about half an hour, the cops and Olyvia came back. Everyone was confused. Olyvia explained that the storm was too strong and they will have to stay in the cottage until it calms down. It was very awkward.

The worst part about the storm being too strong was that Olyvia's family didn't want to give one of their rooms to the person that made their daughter go to prison. Thankfully, they didn't have a choice.

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