3: Sapnap's Tesla

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16th July 2022

Sapnap had landed safely and was now unpacking his stuff in George's guest room whilst George was biding the others goodnight and a bye as they had booked rooms in a nearby hotel to live in because they had their individual plans.

Once the Brit was done with biding his friends bye he came in Sapnap's room offering some help but the American declined it politely as he was almost done with everything. The Brit nodded in response and sat on the bed waiting for Sapnap to finish wondering about his third bestfriend.

"Sap what do you think Dream would be up to right now?" The American who was in the bathroom keeping his brushes an towels away heard the Brit speak out of the blue. He quickly placed the stuff in his hands and walked out to face the Brit.

"Why George?" He smirked as he looked at the Brit turn all red as he noticed the tone the American used to imply a certain thing.

"I-I Okay I didn't mean anything like that, I was just...Wondering why he did not come too...I wanted to meet him too" George managed to answer and go even more red as he thought of the American's tone again.

"Ohh.... I remember him saying that he was not coming because of his brother who was studying abroad and is going to return after a lot of years which is why Dream wanted to spend some time with him which was why he didn't join me..." Sapnap looked hear and there as he thought of what Dream might be doing right now but he ended up taking his time and googling American time to figure out his fellow's routine.

"Err- At this time he is usually just sound asleep if he had spent the last night just gaming or staying up due to overthinking or just editing some videos while sipping some coffee but as we have recorded no videos...He might be just sitting on the couch scrolling through his phone, mostly twitter" Sapnap gave George an detailed answer which made the Brit a little jealous about how well Sapnap knew Dream and started wishing he could be able to live with dream as soon as possible but he shook his thoughts away and fished out his phone from his pocket.

"Lets call him" He announced as he waited for no response before ringing the American. After a ring of two the American picked up the call.

"YOOO" Sapnap and George quickly yelled into the phone which was surely to make Dream drop his phone but it looked like Dream expected it and was ready for it.

"You little shits, did you expect me to not be ready for your wildness even after dealing with it online?" He mumbled in the phone which made both of us laugh.

"Anyways, how was the flight Sap? What are your plans for tomorrow?" Dream asked. If George was not careful enough to notice he wouldn't have noticed the sound. A jiggling of keys.

"Good and We still haven't planned anything-" Sapnap was cut of by George.

"Sounds like you have Dream, going out?" At this the Floridan chuckled at the Brit's attentive behavior and the Texan smirked.

"You heard the jiggling sound didn't you, and yes I am going to pick up by broth-" But Sapnap didn't let Dream finish.

"WAIT HE IS COMING TODAY?!?! WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME THAT BEFORE? I WANTED TO MEET HIM!!" The Texan snatched the phone and spat into it all mad at Dream which made the Floridan wheeze.

"Wait, didn't you argue for a flight on 15th only? I remember there being more financially better options but you will continuously debating for a ticket on the 15th...Why were you arguing over this date and what were you going to do if you knew about his brother before?" George crossed his arms as he heard Dream wheeze even more at Sapnap who had pouted.

"We-well I wanted to leave Dream alone in the middle of June which is on the 15th so I argued for the ticket... Most of Dream's family members are cool so I wanted to meet him..." Sapnap squeaked which made Dream wheeze even louder and make George laugh loudly at the reason the Texan provided for the flight date.

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