7: A last wish?

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24th June 2022

George had a bath and quickly joined Sapnap for lunch, both of them had a chat about their plans in Uk and Sapnap made sure to tease the Brit often about the previous events making George roll his eyes so often that Sapnap was afraid they would just roll out anytime.

Sapnap had a huge smirk on his face as he saw the Brit excuse himself early from the lunch and shut himself in his own room. Sapnap had the urge to just get George all red and flustered again but he decided to excuse the Brit and give him some time, deciding to busy himself with something.

George POV

I stepped in my room and locked the door right away just incase Sapnap decided to just barge in again and jumped on my bed after taking out my phone from my pocket. As soon as my body was supported by the soft surface of my bed I dialed the contact in my favorites. 

After a ring or two the other picked up the call making me delighted.

"Hey! How are you feeling now? I hope yesterday helped!!" I cheerfully chirped in trying to lift up some hopes for the Floridan who sounded extremely tired as if he had never slept which had gotten me a little concerned not knowing what thoughts were circling through his mind.

But I was so relieved when I heard a familiar sound which was possibly coming from Dream's PC...He was playing Minecraft all night!! That's better than getting indulged in the loop of your overthinking.

"Uhh- I... Worse" The Floridan groaned as I heard a sound which sounded like the Floridan had just slouched on his gaming chair which made a lot of noise. His answer made me wonder whhat exactly he was doing last night but before directly questioning him that I decided to just ask why he felt worse than the day before.

"Why so? I can hear the Minecraft music...Did it not work?" I lowered my head while asking the last question as if he could hear me but i heard him shuffle no the other side.

"Wait- no not that...I-I... I just have so many worries which err- because of which I err- am not able to focus on the game and err-.....I- This MCC is going to be a complete disaster.... I can't even control my character properly anymore! I can't focus or seem to err- know how to play the game at the 'Dream' level now! And on top of that m-....my-..." I patiently let the other vent but at the end Dream was pausing alot, not able to complete his sentence and say who the person was because of whom he was in this stage of grief. I seemed to understand why the other was not able to complete so I just tried to comfort the other.

"Hey, hey! It's okay, no need to take the name or mention the person okay? Just calm down." I spoke in a gentle voice hoping it could calm Dream but a part of me wanted to know the name of this person because i knew that no one had never been able to break Dream so much that he almost becomes...a stranger to his close ones.

"yeah...sorry I am just not comfortable with saying the name...one day I will tell you who it is I promise, just give it some time" A completely proper sentence was through my ears which made me feel a little...confused but again, I was confused about what I was confused about...if that makes any sense at all. I just shrugged it off and kept on being a good listening ear.

"What about the person?" I patiently asked maintaining my patience.

"He-....his chances of living are going severely down by every passing day.....I don't know if I will be able to live without his presence....he is like err- my ...other half... It's really painful to imagine a reality without him" The Floridan finally confesses what had been troubling him for so much which almost made him forget his godly skills in the block game he practiced almost everyday.

 If I was being honest, I was instantly feeling a pool of jealousy pooling in my stomach...his everything?.... only jealousy and...pity but somehow not the same old butterflies which used to go wild whenever I realized how much of a crush I had developed on the Floridan... Something but always felt wrong since this 'everything' of Dream's changed Dream... A gut feeling of mine just knew something was off with Dream

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