Chapter 4

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Me and Kennedy sit in our cave thinking about what we just heard. We were both being sold to those humans. I play with my brown hair as my thoughts go to the boy from earlier. I just don't know how to explain how I feel when I think of him.

"So...we are going to a different place?" Kennedy asks while picking at her pillow.

"Yeah, we are." I say while looking out of the cave entrance. Fish swim by without a care and weave through the varieties of the marine vegetation. Oh how I wish I could be as carefree as they are, not having to worry about humans.

Commotion comes from the open space and fish dash to the surface. Kennedy watches them with fascination. "Where are they going?"

"The humans feed them by throwing food in the top if the tanks while the dolphins go to the shallow area. We make our own food because we are the first mers to be seen by humans. Well alive from what I've learned." I explain while pulling out the ingredients I found yesterday.

I pass the bowl over to her. "I didn't know how you would have liked it so I just kind of left it like this."

"Thank you." With that she starts stuffing her face with the plants. I cover my mouth while laughing.

"So, do you want to try to swim? Or does your tail still need some time?"

She swallows her bite. "I think I'm good to go swim. It doesn't hurt very much. Lets go." She grabs my wrist and pulls me out of the cave. I laugh at her energy and swim along side her.

I pull her towards the glass wall. "Look. This is where the humans watch us." Humans of many sizes watch us with amazement.

"Wow...they aren't that different from us. Just give them a tail and proper lungs and they are us. That's so weird yet fascinating." I laugh and agree with her.

Kennedy puts her hand on the glass and a small human puts their hand in the same spot. "See...they are just like us."

I look at them and can't help but wonder...if they are like us, why did we hide from them for so long?

I'm pulled from my thoughts as a net drops over us. I pull at the ropes but they only tighten around me. The net starts pulling us towards the surface. I squirm in discomfort as the cold air hits my wet skin.

"Be careful with the purple one. Her tail is still injured." Someone says but I couldn't see past the net. I move some more as hands touch the net around me.

"Don't you dare touch me!" I shout and the hands move away from me.

Whispering starts as the humans look at me. "So they do English.", "What else can they do?", "I wonder if she can tell use where there are more?"

The net moves once again and I'm dropped into a tank of cold water. I expected the nets to be taken away but they were not. I tug at the net but just tangle myself further.

I slump to the bottom in defeat and I hear something else enter the water. "Kennedy?"

"May? Are you okay?" She asks frantically.

"I am alright. How is your tail? Did they touch it?" I ask while trying to see through the net.

"No nobody touched me. This water is freezing..." Her teeth chatter slightly as the tank is set in motion.

I rub my arms. "Yes it is." Voices sound as they move the tank through empty hallways. I try to look at everything but it goes by too quickly.

The doors at the end of the hall are held open and I shield my eyes away from the sun. The tank goes dark again as we are put into some sort of bigger box. Thin ropes with buckles on each end go around the tank and strap us to the sides of the box.

The humans check the buckles before closing a large door, instantly darkening the box. The water around us got a little colder at the lack of light and we start to shake with the large box.

The whole thing moves at a fast pace and we sway slightly in the water. We swayed for a long time before we come to a sudden stop and the box stops shaking.

I blink my eyes repeatedly as the door opens and the box fills with light. Kennedy shifts her tail uncomfortably.

"Are-are you-u alright, Ken-Kennedy?" I stutter while rubbing my cold hands over my arms.

"M-my tail st-tarted-d cramp-ping." She says in the same tone as I. I only nod my head as the humans unstrap our tank and lift it out.

I shiver slightly as the sun appears in the tank. I jump in shock as a human's hand is stuck in the water for a few seconds.

"The water is freezing. They were both found in tropical waters. They could've died if it were any colder. Get them inside quickly and into some warm water. Go!" Someone shouts and the tank is set into motion.

More shouts sound but they become more and more muffled as we pass through many hallways. My eyes start to shut as we were being lifted out of the cold tank. My vision blackens completely as my cold skin touches warm water.

I slowly drift off to sleep and more shouts sound and my body is shaken by cold and delecate hands. My name is shouted a few times but I was far too gone to answer.


My mind slowly returns to me and I squint my eyes. I look around me and see some weird looking box just outside of my tank. A long, thin cord comes from the box and into the skin of my arm. I panic and pull the string from my arm and the box makes a high pitched noise.

Humans in white clothing rush into the room and make the noise stop. The man that bought me and Kennedy-wait! Where is she? I frantically look around the room for her but I don't see her.

"What is going on in here?" He asks.

One man bows his head slightly. "She woke up and pulled out the IV. The machine couldn't read her heartbeat and deadlined."

"But she's alright?" He asks while looking at me. I pull my tail to my chest and try to make myself smaller.

"Perfectly fine. The cold water put her in a temporary shock. We only had to put her back into some warm water and let her body reheat itself. She only needs to be with her friend, Mr. Jamison."

Mr. Jamison nods his head. "Alright. Get someone to help you all. A mermaid in a tank of water isn't so easy to carry with only two. My son will be checking on her later so just tell him where she's at."

The two humans bow their heads again. "Yes sir." Mr. Jamison leaves through the doors and the humans leave only to come back with two others.

"On the count of three. One. Two. Three." The first human says as they all lift the tank. I instantly put my hands on the sides to steady myself as the water moves.

They carefully lift the tank through the door and into another a few doors down. My mouth gaps at the sight in front of me.
I am back!

Here is your next chapter. I really hope you enjoy it. Please forgive me for not updating in forever but summer camp took me away. Thank you so much for continuing to read this story and for all of your comments.




-Shay V--V

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