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Deeply In Love

The very next day, you woke up with a headache. You're lucky enough that your boss gave you a day off. It will greatly help you to take some time to rest but that's not exactly what you did.

'Ahh! This feels good. I have more time for Mikey. Thank you, Koko!' you said in your mind while happily grooving around your room.

'I don't quite remember what happened yesterday but I definitely went home earlier than expected. I wonder why. Ah nevermind that. Mikey~ Mikey~!'

Continuing to dance joyfully without any music playing, your lights started to flicker all of a sudden which made you stop what you're doing.

You looked at the lights above your head with a frightened face. "T-This is fine! It will be fine. Yeah.. the power won't cut off, right?"

Well, sadly the power did cut off right after you said that. It's like the electricity heard you loud and clear.

"Great. Mhm.." you muttered, feeling uncomfortable in the darkness of the room.

You slowly walked towards the window then opened the curtains to let some light in.

"This will do." you sighed, relieved at the sun's brightness.


"Huh?" you looked around to see who was calling you but failed to find anyone then it hit you. Who would call you inside your house when you don't have any invited guests..?

Next thing you knew, you saw the ghost Izana floating around while he's upside down. It's like he owns the place to be this comfortable.

"Izana? Were you the one calling me just a minute ago?" you questioned, your eyes followed him.

"Mhm! That's right. You forget so quickly, huh? It must've been the wine you have been drinking from yesterday night." Izana responded, still floating around.

"Could you stand still? You're making my head hurt even more." you complained, closing your eyes tightly as you feel dizzy.

"Oh, right. From the looks of it, I thought you were feeling great! You had this huge smile and you were dancing here and there." he answered. Well, Izana's not wrong.

Your lips couldn't stop from smiling as you remember the only one who's filling your heart with happiness at the moment, Mikey!

"That reminds me! I have to go out today." your moves told Izana you were excited despite your head aching.

"Where are you going? Shouldn't you be lying on your bed right now?" he asked.

"And then what? Sleep all day? I will certainly not do that! I'll just miss my only chance." you whined to Izana.

"This better be more important than your health." Izana just went with your crazy idea even though he totally disagrees with it.

"Oh? You're gonna come with me?" you asked, grinning to him weirdly.

"When you collapse on the ground, I'll possess your body and take you straight back here." he answered, smirking confidently.


With Izana following behind, you felt like you had a bodyguard but an invisible one. He's super strong too!

"Could you at least tell me where you're planning to go?" Izana asked, going left and right as he followed your trail.

Just A Ghost | A Kurokawa Izana FanficWhere stories live. Discover now