chapter 7

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He gulped looking at the valunerable state of the boy,who had his eyes closed tightly hands playing with the tip of his t-shirt anyone can say the boy is nervous as fuck.. taehyung scolded himself in his head.. for making this poor petal scared

Actually What the fuck was he going to do...he sighed trying to hold younger's hand softly as he can ...he saw the boy flinching slightly but didn't try to move his hand from taehyung hold"jungkook.."

"Yes t-taehyung shi.."he tried to plaster a small smile in his lips lifting his head up in the direction of his husband's face

Taehyung sighed holding the cotton like hand more tightly"I -i am sorry.."

Jungkook chuckled"it's nothing taehyung shi forget it ...well hmm why did you came here anyway.?"he tried to change the topic

Taehyung gulped remembering the exact reason for his coming ...he left the small hand at the instant and completely backed away from the younger making a good distence between them..

"Well I came here becouse I -i just wanted to inform you that... that friend is coming today..."

He gulped diverting his gaze from the innocent face of the boy

Jungkook smiled widely"oh really... great then...hmm what is you're friend's favourite foods let me inform it to chae aunty....or do you want me to make it for you're frie-"

"No no she... like food ordered from outside...I will do it...I just wanted to inform you... nothing more...."

"O-ok then "he again gave a small smile to the elder... taehyung looked at that beautiful smile silently for sometime...and went from there while sighing to himself....

How many times he is going to lie to this boy....he don't have any idea...


Taehyung and jungkook were sitting on the couch in the living room waiting for taehyung's friend... taehyung told him to not to do this don't make him feel more guilty.... but that boy was too excited to his husband's friend...

If only he know*sigh*


The elder looked up from his phone hearing the familiar female voice..he smiled at the girl who was running towards him with a big smile...

"Hey nan...why Were you late..?"he asked hugging back the girl who was hugging him like a koala

"Traffic.."she again smiled widely making taehyung leave a small chuckle..

They both Heard a clear throat sound...oh... taehyung completely forgot about his excited husband..

"Hmm nan this is jungkook.."he said introducing the boy who was standing.. there while holding the couch for support...he had a sweet smile on his face...

The girl rolled her eyes"whatever..let's go to your room I am really tired.."she said pouting

Taehyung didn't even looked at her face but at the boy.. ,he saw the boy's big smile dissapearing for a moment at the direct neglect.. but he again tried to regain it before letting anyone notice..

Taehyung sighed nodding at the girl... they both walked upstairs...the girl ran towards taehyung's room.. but taehyung stopped on his way to take a small look at the boy...

He saw The boy walking slowly while... touching the wall.... maybe he was going towards the kitchen... but the smile was still present in his lips


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