chapter 9

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Jungkook smiled widely hearing the familiar voice"oh I think it's him..."he placed the knife on the table and pushed taehyung a little... before walking away from there

Taehyung looked at his husband's running figure with a dump face..

Did you just pushed you're own husband..... for you're best friend....

He gritted his teeth .... following the younger to the living room... and the scene infront of him... made his blood boil....his husband was hugging a boy.... and the boy was hugging him back.... almost lifting jungkook's leg from the floor.....



"Baby...I missed you...."jimin whispered kissing the boy's head several times...

"I missed you tooo jiminie.."jungkook smiled back at him .. there were tears present in his eyes...tears of happiness...he was happy... happy after a long time

Jimin smiled wiping the tears from his bestfriend's eyes ..."aww don't cry baby .. you know I can't bare tears in you're pretty eyes...."he said in a soft voice... making jungkook giggle softly

They both didn't noticed the man who was watching everything with burning eyes...his whole body was shivering in anger...and there were visible smoke coming from his nose and ears..

Who the fuck is your baby ...If you call him one more time with that name...I am going to kill you and feed you're flush to some street little pumpkin.... Fucking-...


His all anger vanished to the air hearing the soft voice of his husband...

"Yes angel..."

He saw the boy's eyes becoming slightly... slightly widening at that mention...but he avoided it and walked towards the duo with a fake smile...

"Is this you're FRIEND princess..."he asked highlighting that particular word a little loudly

Jungkook cleared his throat "y-yeh this is"

"His everything...."jimin interpreted him , looking at taehyung with smirk

Taehyung furrowed,he hopped his husband would deny it ... but instead he only got a soft giggle from there.. he rolled his annoyence

" taehyung ... right.."jimin lifted his hand for a handshake"myself park jimin..."

Taehyung shook their hands.. unwillingly...both of their gaze were piercing through eachother's soul....

One with jelousy...and other with warning....

Taehyung was the first one took his hand back...he cleared his throat trying to erase the awkwardness building up on the air..

"Jiminie let's go to room to freshen up...I have prepared you're all favourite dishes"jungkook blabbed with a wide smile on his face

Taehyung looked at his face sometime...he didn't see this boy in this much happiness before... that means...he gulp down the unwanted thoughts rising on his throat..

"Ok BABY... let's go.."

Jimin smirked looking at the red face of taehyung..he pulled jungkook to himself.. by his shoulder and went to upstairs.... leaving the boy in a pit of thoughts..


After freshening up jimin came down stairs...he was wearing jungkook's dress making taehyung look away with a roll of eyes...

"Sit here jiminie.."

Jungkook Said making taehyung shock.. but he sighed recognising the reason...

Might be smelled him...

Jungkook slowly walked towards the kitchen... but stopped when someone stopped him on the way

"What happened jiminie..?"

"You don't need to do this jungkookiee..."


Jimin sighed"come with me"he softly hold younger's hand leading him towards the dining table...and slowly made the younger sit on the chair...

Taehyung who was sitting in an another chair watched everything with a confused expression...

"You just sit here..."he looked at taehyung and smirked"me and taehyung will do this.."

He said making taehyung's eyes wide..

Wtf is this stupid saying...

Jungkook panicked"n-no jiminie.... you are my guest.. let me serve the food... you please sit here.."he tried to stand up from the chair but his bff didn't let him .

"Don't make me repeat myself baby... just give me a five minutes I will be back asap.."he walked towards taehyung "let's get it mr kim.."with one more evil smirk he dragged the stunned boy towards the kitchen....



"Hey hey leave me.."taehyung blabbed trying to free himself from the hold of the boy..

"Okey jeez.."jimin dropped his hand like it's nothing and took a whole look at the kitchen...he walked towards the fridge , opening the door he took two apples from it

"Catch it.."

He shouted apple towards taehyung..who hold it with a little difficulty...

Jimin again turned towards the fridge taking a close view of everything present there while biting his apple.....

"Where is banana milkshake...?"jimin asked suddenly

"W-what... you are searching for Banana milk... what are you a baby..? "he started to laugh loudly but stopped looking at the silent glare of the other...

"So I guessed it right..."

"W-what g-guess...?"

Taehyung started back away when jimin took slow step towards him..

"Don't you know it's jungkook's favourite drink...and he can't even spend a day without it.."

Taehyung gulped when the boy stopped just infront of him... looking at him with narrow eyes

"But you made my baby live all these days ... without giving it to him"

Without taehyung's knowledge He slowly took a knife that was placed in the kitchen...and showed it right infront of elder's eyes making his eyes almost popped out from its socket...

Taehyung gulped shifting his between the boy's dark eyes and the glistening knife both looked equally dangerous"I-i am sorry please... just... just take this fucking thing away..."he whispered while closing his eyes in fear,his voice was trumbling

There was a sharp silence making taehyung open his eyes slowly....he saw the boy standing in a good distence away from him now...he leaved long breath that he doesn't even know from when he was holding in his lungs

Jimin was watching him silently while folding his hands against his chest....he let the boy to relax... sometime

"I am sparing you're life this time... but don't repeat this... Hm?.."

Taehyung nodded his head vigorously like an obedient puppy

Jimin hummed taking two pots from the table and give it to taehyung...who take it without saying anything...he took two more pots For himself and looked at taehyung....

"Follow me.."he informed and went from there while flipping the imaginary hair from his forehead

Taehyung looked at the walking figure and gulped

Jungkook didn't tell me his best friend is a fucking Mafia


I personally liked jimin's character here...👹

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