chapter 46

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Taehyung stood there silently, rubbing his palms together and biting his nails.... Taking small side glances at the younger time to time

Jungkook was still concentrated on the preparation

Should I make a move

I ...i..needs to make some progress in our relationship right....!!!

But.. would he like it......??

What if he don't....??

Jeez why the fuck I'm so nervous .....??!

Taking some deep breaths to courage himself taehyung slowly moved sideways and stood just behind the younger , his heart was making a blast inside his chest

But that pleasent fragrance coming from the other made him relax with no time

Taehyung slowly lifted his hands,he just needs to hugg the shorter male nothing else,but the shivering of hands wasn't controllable

He was almost there

a little more to reach


taehyung flinched and retired quickly hearing the loud shout

that voice felt so familiar

"'s jimin Hyung.....oh God when did he came...??!"jungkook whispered before running towards the living room

Same situation

Same person

Taehyung chuckled at his own situation,

You are more than unlucky you have thought mr taehyung

he shook his head following the younger with tired steps

But the scene today was a little different,it wasn't lovely..bubbly at all

"Haven't i told not get close to him jungkook...?"a fuming maffi-sorry jimin asked, jungkook had his head tucked down

Taehyung took slow steps towards the duo

"Aren't you satisfied enough...?.. again came here to get betrayed by that bitch..huh?"jimin continued,he had that authority tone in his voice which is making jungkook visibly scared

Taehyung wanted to approach,but he doesn't wanted to meddle between the best friends

"Ji.. jiminie.. please relax... I'll explain everything..."jungkook uttered in a small voice, trying to hold his best friend's hands

Taehyung 's eyes diverted to that hands at the instant,his brows joined together...and his toung moved restlessly inside his cheeks

"I don't wanna hear anything kook... you are going back to London with suffered more than enough in you're life...i won't let you suffer with that bustard anymore....who can't fucking understand other's feelings..... fucking bitch.."his teeth was gritting together

taehyung diverted his gaze to the other side, smiling sadly

Each and every words coming from the new comer is true like pure water

Does he have the right to deny it..!!

"P.. please try to relax...chimmy....for me... please....we will talk about it please..come inside...."jungkook asked,he was feeling guilty

Jimin had warned him more than thousands times about this, before coming to Korea

His eyes were ready to tear up at any minute

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