chapter 25

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Taehyung 's eyes followed when jungkook stood up from the bench,and walked forward

"You just asked .... why   didn't i shared this with my parents ...they have the right to know everything about their son.......

But....what if they aren't my parents??"

Jungkook said,and taehyung's mouth opened at his words

"What the heck are you saying jungkook,this is not time to play"taehyung a slow voice

Jungkook chuckled again, shaking his head

"I don't think there is anything for you to laugh...."he continued,in that same tone ....his gaze was piercing through the boy who was standing infront of him.... facing the red tinted sky

Jungkook nodded his head"it's just i got the same reaction from you as  I the way this is not a jock at all..... Jeon Jung -sok and Jeon Hana is not my biological parents "

Taehyung needed some time to process the thing in his head"then....wh..who is your  parents....i mean real? "when his head accepted the information,he asked in a small voice ,by this time he was also stood up from the bench

Jungkook took a deep breath...and exhaled it"they...... they are ...dead "


Taehyung gulped, should he continue asking or is he supposed to console the boy right now

Jungkook chuckled again,but taehyung recognised when his sound cracked a little

"Don't worry....I'm ...I'm not sad at all....i... have my parents...i don't mind them being by biological......... i love them... same as they love me their own son..."he smiled through tears

Taehyung saw many imotions in his face at that time

That he didn't saw before

Or did he missed it...!

"This is the place they lived until they had the last breath ......but before I get to know they were living here....they were..... already gone to heaven.... without bringing their u-unlucky son with them"

Taehyung swallowed a shaking breath and slowly walked towards the boy,the younger was looking very valunarable at that moment

" did they die....?"taehyung asked..... voice gentle like talking to a one year old child

" was an accident.....i was very young...may be five or six year old i guess.....but i can clearly remember each and every moment happened in that day

We were going back to our home... after a small family get ..eomma and appa...we were in our car., very happy........b-but―"

Taehyung could see the boy trying his hard not to break down,his eyes were closed, facing down,pink lips becoming red duo to the torture it was getting

Taehyung gave a small pat on his back beside the curve of his tiny waist,and jungkook sighed again before continuing

".... suddenly i don't know what happened

Our car collided with an another car.. everything happened so fast...all i could hear was a loud blasting sound and something coming towards my eyes.....then..... everything was blank.."he slowly wiped the small tear drops wetting his cheeks,by the tip of his white sweater pows

"....When I opened my eyes again....i couldn't see anything...

They said my eyes aren't functioning...i won't be able to see anymore...

My parents were badly injured ...they needed proper care and for treatment they needed large amount of money

Thanks to you're Grandma and my   parents...."

Taehyung furrowed at the mention of his grandma"my...... grandma??"

Jungkook nodded his head "yes she helped for my parent's treatment....but they wasn't able to repay for that.....they didn't got enough time for that"

"But how did she know about you...and you're parents...?"taehyung asked,his head wasn't processing properly

Everything was damn surprising for him

"She was there when the accident happen..... like an angel send by God.......and the car collided with our 's was my appa 's....i mean Jeon jung-sok "

Jungkook paused for sometime, inhaling deep air to maintain his unsteady breath

"And our marriage was a promise your grandma given to my real parents.....when t-they were dying

I don't know if it's becouse of pity...or she really liked me....but i respected her dicision and i still do ......and I'll always

Because if she wasn't there i won't be here ..... standing infront of you like this......."jungkook said his voice turning soft

"Today is their death anniversary..... i always came here in every spend my time with this  old peoples....... whenever I interact with them i could feel my appa and amma is still here, watching me , smiling at me..."jungkook smiled and his small fingers slided through the air softly..... like he is trying to sence something

He slowly turned sideways, facing the older,he slowly take taehyung's both hands in his small one, there were still tears flowing from his eyes"hyung.....i know how are you feeling when you couldn't live with the person you love.....but you still respected me cared for me

I don't know what to do hyung....i accepted you're Grandma 's decision.... becouse i respect her....but I'm .... feeling like doing something wrong... very very wrong

I don't wanna make you suffer anymore,i know you always have thought why I didn't said anything when were with you're girlfriend

Because im...I'm guilty hyung,for being a burden to can't live the life you wanted only becouse of me....i apologise.. truly I'm ..if i know you had an other person you love―i really wouldn't come to your life but......"jungkook chuckled again,his face was red and puffy

"Things always doesn't happen like the way we want right..... specially when it comes to me ... it's always like that ..."

Taehyung was just staring at the boy without blinking his eyes,how could a fragile innocent boy like this could suffer this much

Jungkook looked like an angel....with broken wings

"Hyung....i always wanted to tell you everything...but i was confused  you would take it...and please don't hate you're Grandma....she is the greatest grandma you could ever get....."

"I know"taehyung muttered unknowingly

"And now i don't wanna live bearing this guilty...i know you want to become free from me...

Let's......let's do this hyung...! "

Taehyung raised his eyebrows, confused at younger's unmatching words

What is happening!

"Let's.... let's get divorce "


Finally half of the truth is revealed now.....

I told you jungkook suffered everything isn't becouse he is the purest kindest human in the world

He had reasons for that

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