chapter 8

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Taehyung turned around with a shocked face...he gulped looking at the calm smile of the boy..

"H-how do you know...?"

Jungkook leaved a small chuckle... but it's not humorous...and it's not reaching on his eyes...

"I just know I told you...I can understand many things... may be more than a human with eyes could..."he smiled again taking slow steps towards taehyung while holding some random things on his way..and stood right infront of taehyung..

He sighed deeply lifting his head a little upwards"taehyung-shi"


He saw the boy's expression becoming a little hesitant..

"C-can I hold you're hand please.."

He asked in a slow voice lifting his head here and of his behaviour taehyung noticed..... whenever the boy is hesitant or scared..

Taehyung hold his hand softly ..and smiled a little looking at the younger's slightly shocked expression..

Jungkook cleared his throat"i-i am sorry... but talking to someone without holding them...I feel like I am talking to no one.."he ended with a small chuckle

"Well I want to know that.. were you ... Were you forced to marry me ...?"

Taehyung didn't expected that question...he wanted to say yes...but something was preventing him from saying he remained silent..

Jungkook smiled when he got no reply"I think I got the answer from you're silence..."

He slowly backed away from the elder.. taehyung panicked when he saw jungkook trying to free his hand from his hold... but he didn't let ...he couldn't. Instead he pulled the younger more towards himself

His eyes for a moment locked with the pretty honey brown eyes...the most beautiful eyes he have ever seen in his life..


The elder hummed back still lost in that big univers.

"You don't need to worry...I won't tell anyone..if that's why you are holding me like this.."

Taehyung gulped. . leaving the boy it's not the reason but he also don't know what is the exact reason..

"T-thank you.."

Jungkook smiled..


Taehyung looked at him at the instant... that soft sound of the younger whenever he Called his name... always made his heart melt

"If you don't mind..can atleast f-friends... do you know I have only one friend jiminie .. but he is not here now..I -i am feeling like becoming soo alone in this house.."the innocent words broke taehyung's heart

"....I promise you I won't interfere in you're personal life or w-wont do anything that could make you uncomfortable..... "his voice become a little loud and fast

He lifted his head up from the elder's chest"can I please...?"

His doe eyes again made something to taehyung's stomach

He cleared his throat and smiled"y-yeh we can..."

He saw jungkook's eyes lighting up at the answer

"Really..."he smiled widely showing his bunny teeth on display, taehyung found it cute....

Well becoming a friend will not hurt.... right.....

"Really..."he also smiled


Days passed like that , the interaction... between the couples also started to increase... they become really good friends in the past days... taehyung' girlfriend visits their home many time.... but jungkook had no problem with it..... thats what taehyung thought... atleast

It was an evening .... taehyung saw jungkook in the kitchen busy in cooking....he is not surprised.... Well...he has been seeing this scene from the day after his marriage...


The elder hummed taking an apple from the fridge..he furrowed looking at the various dishes kept in the kitchen counter..

"Why are you making this much dishes....? there any guest coming today..?"taehyung asked randomly taking a small bit from the Apple

Jungkook flicked his forehead turning towards the older"I didn't tell you right... I completely forgot about it hyung... there is ....a guest coming today.."

Taehyung furrow deepened"who..?"

"Actually it's my best friend..I told you about him right...jimin-shi.."jungkook smiled widely walking towards the shelf ...he lift his hand.. to take a packet of flour from there..... small pout curved on his lips... when he couldn't reach it...

Taehyung sighed walking towards the boy...he took the flour packet.. effortlessly and give it to the other.. who take it with a big smile...

"When will he come..?"

"I don't know...he said he will come today... but didn't tell the exact time..."he sighed taking a knife and some potatoes from the basket"he is like that...."he started to slice the potatoes slowly with concentration ...

Taehyung's eyes widened..he thrown the apple somewhere.. running towards the boy....

"Let me do it for you..?"he asked in a soft voice.. trying to take the knife from the boy's hand... but jungkook didn't let him

"Nono I can do it... you go and rust hyung.."

Taehyung rolled his eyes"why are you telling me to rest all the time... are you trying to make me lazy by not letting me do anything..."

Jungkook panicked"n-no I didn't mean it..I just...fine you can help me.. but I will not give you the knife... it's dangerous.."

Taehyung thought for sometime and grinned when..a yellow bulb light up right beside his head..

"Ok you don't need to give me the knife.."he smirked looking at the boy who have a small furrow in his face.."but I won't let you cut the potatoes also.."


Jungkook gasped when he got suddenly pushed towards the table counter and his back collided with a strong chest ..... taehyung was just behind him.. his both hands where just above the younger's small ones holding it softly... jungkook's body was completely engulfed by taehyung's big one...


"Now look"taehyung interpreted him and started to slice the the knife in the younger's hand"I am not holding the knife... but you are not cutting also.."

Jungkook shook his head smiling at the older's cute antics..

During the time taehyung got a close view at jungkook's pale white neck..he slowly sniffed there while closing his eyes... the boy still had the fragrance of fresh roses...he doubted is it a perfume or is it his natural smell....he gulped when his gaze landed on the small mole on on his husband's sexy tempting neck

He badly wanted to kiss there...

Just a small kiss will not hurt right....

He leaved an unsteady breath and closed his eyes learning towards the mole....his lips were almost... almost touching there......but.....


he fastly backed away hearing the loud sound coming from the living room...

"Aaaaah who the fuck is that.... fucking cock blocker..."


I will not let you kiss him like that mr kim taehyung*smirk*firstly you need to love him.... with your all....then.... maybe I will allow you..😌

Are you ready for some taelous....😺

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