chapter 32

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(Chapter 32)

(Jesse POV)

“You okay,” I asked Hayley as she moved out the corner with the phone in her hand.
“Yeah, I got it,” She mumbled with a surprised look on her face, I raised my eyebrow at her slightly confused, she was on the phone for at least an hour.

“Got what,” I asked she smiled with a distant look in her eyes.
“A job at the studio gallery they said I could get the job,” she mumbled staring at the phone.

“Why do you need a job,” I asked I mean she was rich and she basically lived me, I pretty much gave her everything she needed and wanted, she frowned and shrugged.
“I always wanted to work for them even if its at the bottom of the chain, in a few years maybe I can work my way up,” I shrugged before pulling her into a tight hug.

“Congratulations I wish you would have told me sooner, I could have help,” I said she smiled and shook her head. I was proud of her, art was her favorite subject it was her thing.
“I did it on my own, I really did,” she muttered I laughed and pulled her back wiping under her eyes.
“Yes, you did, you can do anything you want, want to celebrate,” I asked she stared at me hesitantly before nodding
“Yeah,” I chuckled and pulled her off the wall and towards the bed. She tugged her hand out of mine and shook her head vigorously.
“NO sex,” She blurted out quickly, I laughed and kissed her cheek. Of course I wasn’t going to have sex with her, even though she was very tempting I knew she wasn’t ready nor did she want to..
“I was going to tell you to put your shoes on,” I stated smiling as she blushed profusely while mumbling a quiet oh. I chuckled and hugged her again.
“Awe Angel you’re so cute,” She frowned at me still blushing as she slid her feet in the shoes trying to move out my arms, I continued laughing still hugging her tightly.

“Stop,” She whined, I really couldn’t take her seriously sometimes, like now. She was always a little slow.
“Come on,” I grinned at her as she continued to frown at the wall. I took hold of her hand and gently pulled her out the room. I smiled down at her.
“Ice cream shop on monument street or the bakery,”

“We’ve never been to the bakery,” she stated my eyebrows furrowed in as we walked down the stairs. I swear I took her to the bakery, well I thought I did.
“Its grans cousins bakery, its just like the one in New York,” I explained she nodded before smiling.
“Scones,” She exclaimed, I chuckled and nodded.
“Yeah just don’t over due it,” she waved me off just like she did yesterday, in fact she threw up all the food a few hours later. She was moaning and groaning about her stomach hurting and her being full next minute you know she was heaving it all up. I of course had to help since no one else would. Brook is squeamish and Sherry really doesn’t care for Hayley much, but I didn’t mind because this was Hayley you get used to her after awhile.

“Its your fault no one told you to cook all of it,” she grumbled, I rolled my eyes and opened the door for her, she climbed in the car.

“You’re the one who ate too fast, I told you to slow down,” I shut the door as she opened her mouth to argue back. She glared at me through the windshield as I walked around and slid in.
“Don’t close the door on me,” she mumbled I chuckled and leaned over with a smile.
“Don’t argue with me then, now smile we’re going to get you some scones and maybe something else,” I had a gift waiting for her, I was going to wait until Christmas to give it to her but I guess since she has the job I might as well give it to her now, I’ll just figure something else out for Christmas.
“Really like ice cream or maybe brownies with chocolate chunks, yum,” She moaned out, I shook my head and pulled out the driveway. She so fat. I smiled and took hold of her hand squeezing it she gave me a confused look, but I just shrugged.

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