Chapter 19

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Chapter 19


(Jesse POV)

I laid my head on the table completely wiped out. I had a lot of work to do I had gang related work and school work that I had yet to finish.

“Jesse,” I heard Brook say I looked up at her and nodded before running a hand through my hair frustrated I had twenty minutes to finish this before Hayley woke up.

“Morning,” I mumbled going back to typing I had a 9 page research paper due on Tuesday.

“What are doing so early,” she asked sitting down, I looked at the time it was only 6 am not that early.

“Research Paper,” I mumbled pointing to the stove where a small stack of pancakes were.
“Help yourself,’” She yawned and shook her head while stretching.
“I’m fine maybe later, how’s Hayley,” I sighed and scratched the back of my head its only Sunday morning I believe and Hayley’s been doing better she’s eating again and we had small conversations. She still won’t leave the room nor will she let anyone else in other than me.

“Better she’s eating and talking more, but she still wakes up in the middle of the night,” she nodded and tilted her head to the side examining me. I raised my eyebrow as she stood up and placed her hand on my forehead making me groan.

“You still have a fever and your face is flushed,” she said I pushed her hand out the way and rolled my eyes. I know I had a fever and I know my face is slightly flushed but I was honestly fine.

  This happens every once in a while when I’m stressed or about to come on. Its just so happens to be both and the fact that I’m lacking sleep.

“I’m fine,” I said watching her frown at me like she was my mother.

“No you aren’t, I’m sure it’s higher than it was yesterday,” She stated I sighed and pushed her away slightly.
“For your information it’s lower than yesterday,” I grumbled as I flipped through a book, yes I had a fever yesterday and it was pretty bad but after the soup and the medicine it went down.

“No it isn’t, you’re hot,” She exclaimed I chuckled and glanced up at her with a smirk.
“Thank you I get that a lot,” I said winking as she flushed and rolled her eyes while glaring. I chuckled and closed the laptop along with my book before standing up slowly. She eyed as I walked across the kitchen okay so maybe this fever was higher than yesterday but she didn’t need to know that. I went in the fridge and pulled out some uncrustables and some water bottles tossing them all in a plastic bag. I had to restock the mini fridge upstairs since we were running out of food and water.
“Jesse seriously you can’t help someone if you can’t help yourself,” Brook stated as she stepped up beside me. I frowned at her statement I didn’t need to help myself if someone else needed my help more than I needed my own.
“Be quiet,” I grumbled I was going to tell her to shut up but that would piss her off and I didn’t feel like arguing with her, well I didn’t have the energy to argue.
“I’m just saying how can you help Hayley get better when you’re sick yourself. That’s like a mute guy trying to save a blind guy,” my frown deepened. I pushed her against the counter, with narrowed eyes watching her eyes grow bigger as I stared her down.

“Don’t question me Brook, you’re starting to piss me off,” I growled lowly at her hearing her breath hitch as she frowned with a little bit of fear running through her eyes.

“I’m just saying your doing more harm to yourself than you are helping her,” She mumbled with a hard stare, my jaw clenched.

 “I’m sure Amy told you not to piss me off it’s best if you follow her advise Brooklyn, don’t make me do something I will regret,” her eyes held hurt but also anger I watched her carefully I know she was about to slap me.
“Don’t,” I grumbled catching her hand as I came flying towards me, I know for a fact that if she had hit I would have snapped and flung her across the kitchen.
“Don’t push me please, I’m warning you Brook,” I mumbled sternly, she was staring at me with unwavering eye scanning my face as I scanned her of course my eyes landed on her lips which she had in a thin line.

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