Chapter 23

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(Chapter 23)

(Jesse POV)

I groaned at the pounding in my head. I drunk way too much last night and I shouldn’t have, but I wanted to forget. I cracked open my eyes seeing black hair on my pillow I frowned before looking down noticing a slender body laying next to me.   Who the hell was this?

   I didn’t like having sex with complete strangers, wait did I have sex. I lifted my covers up noticing that I was naked along with the person. I couldn’t remember shit from last night much less whoever the hell I slept with.

  The covers shifted as the person turned over. My heart stopped in my chest realizing that it was Brook, my Brook how the hell did she agree with this, I swear to god I better have not rapped her. I looked at her body with a small grin before it fell instantly from my face.
“Aw Shit,” I groaned how the hell did this happen. I slowly slid out of bed holding onto my head and tossing my clothes on. I would have to talk to her later right now I just had to clear my head. I slid out the bedroom while buttoning my shirt up.
“Holy shit you slept with Brook,” Amy exclaimed I covered her mouth quickly and frowned at her.
“Shut up I have a headache and you’re loud, also I don’t know I was drunk I can’t remember shit,” I grumbled while pulling her into a empty room, technically it was supposed to be hers, but she was with Sherry.

“What do you mean you were drunk,” she asked I covered her mouth again.

“What part of headache or hangover don’t you get,” I hissed quietly while closing my eyes and rubbing my temples.

“Chelsea they’re pulling the plug Friday that’s why I was drinking,” I heard her gasp quietly before I felt her hug me. I wrapped my arms around her and put my chin on top of her head as she cried.
“They can’t I have some money saved up and you have a doctor I’m sure he can get some stuff to save her we can’t let her go,” I held her tighter as I nodded.
“I tried, I tried so hard to explain, but they said it’s been too long they didn’t want to prolong it,” I mumbled heartbroken also I pulled her back and picked her up despite my fatigue I cradled her in my arms and let her cry on my shoulder until she couldn’t any more.
“Go to sleep, I’ll get Sherry.” I mumbled kissing her cheek as I tucked her in, it was early in the morning anyways.

“I’m fine just let me lay alone for awhile,” I nodded and left out heading to Hayley’s room, I peeked in seeing her still asleep with her lights on, I shook my head and turned them off watching her stir for awhile before she became still again. I sighed and turned back to Brooks room staring at the door.

  I had no clue what happened last night, but I pray that we didn’t have sex. Its not that I didn’t want to have sex with her that was practically my goal in life but I wanted to remember. I looked at my fingers and raised my eyebrows contemplating whether I should sniff them or not. I shook my head and went downstairs. I would definitely speak with her later. I had to know because if I did I would have to straighten it out and I would also like to do it over since I can’t remember a thing from last night except drowning all the drinks.

  I sat down at the kitchen table and rested my head, thinking about Chelsea, Brook and Hayley. I had so much shit to fix and Brook was just added to it, well I think she was hopefully she wasn’t.

“Slim,” I turned around seeing Hayley standing in the doorway with one of my shirts on, I smiled painfully and gestured her over. She came slowly and stood in front of me.
“Hey Red, sit,” I pointed to my lap while tugging her down, she turned around and stared at me before hugging me.
“I’m sorry,” I shook my head holding her lightly I was being cautious of her ribs.

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