chapter 39

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(Chapter 39)

Comment and vote (I'm not sure if anyone is still interested in this story, if not I'll post the ending and have it marked as completed.) 

(Jesse POV)

“You’re sure you’re okay and you don’t want to come with you” I asked Hayley she nodded.
“I’m sure, I can do this, its only a few days,” she muttered I chuckled as she seemed to pout at her own words.
“No party or anything right,” she nodded again as I pulled up to her parents house.
“My dad didn’t mention anything about a party so I’m guessing no, I think they’re just in town for a few days,” She mumbled I pulled up into the drive way and parked the car.
“I’ll walk you in,” I said getting out before she could protest, I opened the door for her ignoring her frown.
“Shut up,” I grumbled she glared and let me walk her in. she fumbled with the locks, I sighed.
“Shut up Jesse,” she hissed softly putting the key in, I rolled my eyes and rung the doorbell, only she wouldn’t know which key was the right one.

“Hey I got this,” she complained before pouting as the door open.
“Hayley,” her dad said smiling a little. I looked at Hayley as she looked at the ground. Oh great I hope she’ll be okay here for the week. I rather not have her out my sight.

“Hello Mr. Williams, I just came to drop her off,” I said shaking his hand he nodded and gestured us in. I placed my hand gently on Hayley’s back guiding her in.
“Its fine, Hayley your mother is in bed for now, but the chefs will prepare a meal for you soon, you’re free to have dinner in the dinning room or in the kitchen, oh and Jesse you’re welcome to stay for dinner” he said Hayley nodded and shifted on her feet. I chuckled and pulled her to my side.
“Thank you sir, I’m just going to get her settled first,” I held up her bags in my hand, he nodded and left with that.
“You sure you’re okay,” I asked lifting her chin up with a frown, she nodded and hugged me.
“Yeah I’m fine,” I pulled her back again and frowned at her she blushed a little and went to my chest again.

“I’m fine I promise,” she muttered I nodded and kissed the top of her head.
“Just call me when you want to come back, I’ll come as quickly as possible,” I stated she nodded and smiled up at me.
“Thank you, now I’m hungry, go fix me lasagna,” she exclaimed while giggling, I rolled my eyes and let her drag me to the kitchen I chuckled only she would have mood swings like this.

“Alright I’ll fix some snacks too,” I said getting a small squeal I chuckled and grabbed some pans. I guess I could stay for a few hours. I didn’t have anything planned and

“Excuse me, but what are you doing,” I turned around as Hayley stopped smiling and looked behind me.

“Sorry sir, I’m just fixing her favorite meal, she’ll miss my cooking,” I said smiling at Hayley she stared at me for a second before she nodded with a small smile appearing.
“Very well, just make sure I can get some too,” he said I gave him a thumbs up.
“Sauce Red,” she giggled and ran to get the sauce.
“I like it with the tomato’s,” she mumbled staring at the sauce, I laughed in others words she likes when I make it from scratch.
“I don’t have any, next time we’ll get some,” I said she nodded and flew around the kitchen grabbing everything as I started on the sauce and noodles.
“Um can we have cupcakes or um cookies chocolate chip cookies,” She asked coming around again with an arm full of supplies. I sighed she was going to work me hard tonight.

(Brook POV)

“Yes mom I’m fine,” I sighed as my mom rambled on and on about me being careful while she was away on vacation with Mrs. Smith. Apparently Mike agreed to fly to Hawaii with the twins instead of taking the seven-day cruise, he’s apparently at a resort. So my mom and Mrs. Smith were on a cruise to Hawaii they would be boarding tomorrow morning.

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