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It seemed as though the world was painted in shadows. Everything, spare the lone hedgehog was in pure blackness. Although the blue blur couldn't quite feel the temperature - it looked cold. Even the thought of the icy blackness engulfing him made him shiver. Where exactly was he? Wasn't he just talking to Tails?

Curious, the lapiz hedgehog pushed forwards and wearily traversed the inky depths. It didn't take long for him to find someone else, a seemingly dark blue hedgehog, with quills styled just like Sonic's. "Hello?" He called to the mysterious figure. It didn't turn around however. The place suddenly darkened, the others dark blue fur now bearly being visible. A sick feeling began to rest within the blue blur's stomach and a shiver ran down his spine. Something wasn't right.

"Hey-" He quickly made his way over and tapped the other on the shoulder. They still didn't turn to face him. "Are you okay? Where are we?" Sonic asked as he forced the hedgehog to look at him. That's when he realised, the hedgehog was no hedghog. It was him - but different.

Not only was the other's fur darker, their skin was pale and seemingly gray. Black inky depths replaced the regular white sclera most Möbians had and blood red pupils, matching the blood running from its mouth and eyes, emminated and seemingly glowed.

He lurched back but was quickly tackled by this seemingly dark reflection of himself, its face blocking his vision with a view of its sharp - almost shark-like - teethy grin


Sonic practically jumped out of his bed in a cold sweat. You usually don't remember dreams, however the thing within that one stuck. He could recall every detail about the beast within it yet not the dream itself. He merely remained on the floor and stared, shaking slightly, as he tried his hardest to push the horrific image into the darkest corner of his mind.

He jumped once more as an noise from his phone rang. He slowly recovered and shakily picked up his phone, it was an alarm. He had almost forgotten he had promised to help Amy with her bakery.

Thinking of his probably sleeping roommate, he turned off the alarm quickly and began to get ready. No matter what he busied himself with, whether that be brushing his teeth or making some toast, he couldn't shake the image of the creature or the feeling of being watched.

The sun had risen by the time Sonic had walked outside. He had become used to the late rising of the sun in the winter - a bright 7am felt so estranged and wrong now. So did the warmth summer often brought. He always remembered Green Hills as it looked in the summer, and yet each time summer arrived it felt off.

He walked slowly to the bakery - he had until 8am to arrive afterall. He even had time to greet Big on the way, who returned the hello with a friendly smile and a wave. "Where are you headed?" Sonic asked the large purple cat. "Fishing!" The cat exclaimed.

Sonic couldn't understand how the cat had become so obsessed with fishing in the slightest. Sitting on a small dock for hours on end waiting for a fish? No thank you.

"What about you?" Big asked. "Helping Amy out for the day." Sonic smiled. Big nodded. "Sounds good- I might drop by later then!" The large cat smiled and walked off. He wasn't the best at socialising, but each conversation always somehow brought a smile to Sonic's face if he had to time to chat - which wasn't often.

Sonic continued on his stroll. Green Hills had built up a commercial area by Tails' lab to try make life easier for everyone. Amy had expectedly jumped at the chance to open her own bakery/cafè - she used the two words interchangeably - and it was going well for her so far. She had managed to save up for an extention on her home for Knuckles and his precious gem to move in with her. Sonic had to admit, walking to Amy's instead of Angel Island to talk to the hot-headed echidna was a lot easier.

As he continued on, he noticed Shadow. He could only hope he didn't see him - he and Shadow weren't on the friendliest of terms. If anything, Shadow would probably be asleep. It wasn't even 8am yet and only working möbians really were out, and Sonic knew for a fact Shadow didn't work - not in Green Hills atleast.

He walked by as quietly as he could, hoping to go undetected by the ebony hedgehog above. This false hope was shot down very quickly. "You're up early." A low voice remarked. Sonic whinced, turning around to face the hedgehog. He was sat on the very top of the palm-tree and was looking down at him. "Hey-" Sonic passively stated. Shadow looked down at him with curiosity. "Just helping Amy out." He explained. Shadow shook his head. "Always want to help others." He remarked. Sonic however, didn't react and instead continued on. He couldn't exactly fight Shadow at such a time.

A flash blinded the hedgehog for a moment, Shadow now being infront of the blue blur with a chaos emerald in his hand. "I wasn't finished, Hedgehog." He glared. Sonic shook his head. "Shadow I really can't right now- Amy needs help and if I turn up with bruises she'll get worried." He reasoned. Sonic looked around, hoping someone would be around to diffuse the situation. Before he knew it, he was knocked to the floor by a kick.


"I swear I'll smash Shadow with a hammer one day!" Amy said in anger as she treated Sonic. He was covered in bruises and cuts. Not only was he late to his 'shift', he was covered in bruises, cuts and blood. Although Sonic had imporved since he was sixteen - now being twenty-two - Shadow had somehow improved too. In their six years of rivalry, Shadow had always been better at combat than Sonic and somehow was always improving too.

Amy was eighteen now, barely being eligible to own a cafè. She didn't improve in combat within those six years like everyone else though, she had often poured her time into baking and had improved in that area. Her bakery was praised for its goods as a result, although her age was quite a problem for many older möbians.

She set down her medical kit. "All done." She told him. "Thanks Ames." Sonic smiled. Amy merely nodded back. "Now you focus on the till and I'll bake and prepare in the back." She told Sonic. The blue blur nodded and walked out of the back kitchen. Amy had already opened the shop, however the morning rush hadn't begun just yet - meaning Sonic had some time.

A loud jingle errupted from the door. Sonic looked towards the entrance and saw Rouge. She smiled as Sonic as she walked over. "Never thought I'd see you of all people working as a cashier." She jeered. Sonic shrugged. "Just helping out." Rouge nodded in approval. "I'll have a caramel latte with cream and a brownie." She spoke, checking her phone. "And please hurry I got places to be." She added, clicking her tounge. Sonic nodded. He fumbled with the till for a moment, sending the order to Amy and added up the price.

Before he could announce the price, Rouge had thrown nine rings on the counter. This must have been her usual order. Sonic's suspicions were proven correct when Amy walked out with the items in hand on a small tray. "Another meeting?" She asked the white bat, who nodded back, as she handed her the latte and bagged the brownie. "If you're going with Shadow again you better warn him." The pink hedgehog swiftly added.

"If he fights Sonic again, I'll personally pay him a visit." Rouge chuckled. "Thought so." She glanced at Sonic. "Looks like I have an idiot to patch up too." She remarked. "Since that's the case I'll take a hot chocolate too. Might calm his nerves." Rouge told Amy. Amy nodded in return.

Shadow - Shadow The Hedgehog, the definition of dark, bitter and brooding. Heck! The sole emo in Green Hill - didn't drink coffee? Sonic had always pictured the male having pure coffee beans for a snack and black coffee in the morning, although it was probably weird he had always thought that in the first place. Either way, it made him laugh to know such a serious person had a sweet-tooth.

That information alone was probably going to get him through his shift.


1446 words
Published: 20th of January 2024

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