After Everything

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The two girls laid side by side, holding each other's hands as they watched the large mounted Tv before them, a sudden jump scare catching the brunette by surprise causing her to squeeze Sasha's hand, murmuring a sorry before letting her attention drift back to the movie. The screen never caught Sasha's attention though, she was fixated on the other girl, lingering on her every movement, her every expression, Anne noticed this but had decided not to say anything, all she could do was watch the movie and try to cover up the blush with fear as an excuse, she was being childish, they are adults now, blushing like a maniac even after everything was so strange. Sure, they had just admitted their feeling for one another, but she shouldn't be acting like she did when she was 13 again, but then again it was new to Anne, a whole different world, a new perspective on her and Sasha, an actually good one other than their toxic relationship in middle school and their split in high school, this one was new and exciting, their relationship in high school was somehow so different from now, she felt she was with a different person, someone who was kind and caring, who actually loved her, an extremely bold word to use, especially when it was only minutes ago they had reunited.

Sasha continued to stare at Anne for the entirety of the movie, before looking way when the girl finally turned to her, blushing profusely with embarrassment, "What did you think of the movie?" she asked, knowing Sasha had paid no attention to it, "It was...something?" She awkwardly smiled, trying to cover her face still, "We should probably get some sleep, we're meeting up with Marcy tomorrow, remember?" Anne hummed, lying down next to Sasha, their hands still connected causing the blonde to fall back with her, nearly lying on top of her. "Yeah" Sasha moved off Anne and grabbed her phone to text Marcy about tomorrow's plans.

The brunette laid beside her, slowly drifting off to sleep as thoughts of what had just happened began to fill her mind, as if lulling her to sleep, falling into a deep slumber almost instantly. Sasha looked down and brushed her hand through the girls thick brunette curls, ruffling them and making a mess of her hair before snuggling up into the blankets herself, intertwining her and Anne's legs in the process, closing the gap between them and staring at the girl as she slept, her soft breathes warm against Sasha's skin, a smile tugging at her lips as she also began to drift off.

Hours later a sudden commotion awoke the blonde, causing her to hastily lift her head and look around until she realised it was coming from beside her, gibberish and a few low ghastly screams filled the air, it was a nightmare. The past experiences that had haunted Sasha's dreams were common when they arrived back from Amphibia, she still had them every now and then but they became less common, it was obvious what was happening to Anne was the same thing. "Anne, wake up" She whispered quietly at first, hesitating knowing it was dangerous to wake someone in their sleep, but when she saw tears beginning to form her stomach churned at what the girl must be going through, knowing her own hell had been bad enough, but Marcy and Anne would have had the worst of it. Seeing both her friends die was traumatising in itself but the feeling of knowing that you're not real is worse, it was a question Anne had asked herself and Sasha so many times before, the realisation of it all had been setting in and weighing down, many sleepless nights where she would call Sasha in tears, it hurt her to see Anne like that and she finally happy, Sasha was not going to let that be ruined.

She grabbed Anne and embraced her, Sasha knew that during the nights she had been alone with the nightmares were always the worst, she longed for someone to comfort her the way she did now to Anne, but her family were only worried about her reputation, the failing grades and the self-loathing had been long and lonely, but when she got to see Anne, even if they were no longer friends, she felt a little less lonely, knowing that even though she had wished her two best friends were not going through what she was going through, she knew they were, while that may sound selfish or evil, it was true, she felt bad about it but there was nothing she could've done, other than be a better friend when they were kids of course. But you can't change the past, how many times Sasha would have to tell that to herself was too many to keep track.

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