-Oddly Fluffy, For a Gator-

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(Cryptid AU first meetings after hours.)

[3rd Person]

It was late. How late? Around 3 AM. Most of the Glamrocks were asleep, save for Roxanne and Monty. Sun knew this for a fact, as he could hear the two playing their respective instruments from the daycare. Sun's brow furrowed as he heard the keytar and the bass. Those two shouldn't be up that late! It was a work day tomorrow. They needed to be charging! , he thought. Though maybe it was Moon influencing his thinking a little.

He sighed, sitting back in his beanbag chair. There was another thing on his mind tonight as well. Something that had been plaguing his thoughts since he heard about it.

The Moth Man.

Sun had first heard of it through the children, with their babblings of "Mr Moth stole the glitter glue!" and "Mr Sun? is The Moth Man real?"

He'd thought nothing of it at the time. Children are known for their wild imaginations. Though the rumors kept persisting.

"The Moth Man's gonna drink your blood!"

"Mr Moth was under my bed last night!"

"Mr Moth stole my Mr Sun toy!"

Sun had tried to convince the children that there was no Moth Man. That was absurd, after all. Until eventually he began to notice things, too. Things going missing around the daycare, strange lights in the dark that would disappear if he looked at them, finding black fur around the daycare..

After a while, Sun began to wonder. What could this Moth Man be? He was an avid cryptid hunter, so naturally, his mind went to that. And it stuck to that. So, one day, he decided to ask the kids something along the lines of "What does The Moth Man like?", just to know.

He'd been slightly flattered when he'd realized it mainly took merchandise and drawings of him and Moon, though he was a little worried on why him specifically. He brushed aside his worry and got to work.

Every night, for the past six nights, Sun had been setting out a trap of sorts, with a bunch of plushies and shirts and drawings of him and Moon. And every night, for the past six nights, the merchandise he set out had been gone in the morning, with no sign of the mythical Moth Man. 

Tonight was one of those nights. He had set out merchandise of Moon and himself so that he could try and trap the cryptid. And so far, he had seen nothing. 

He sighed, sitting back up and realizing that, while wrapped up in his thoughts, the sound of the bass playing had stopped. Huh. Guess Monty went to sleep. Sun relaxed a little at that. Despite not knowing the gator, he still worried. After all, so many of the children liked Monty. And the few times Sun did see the gator, he was so nice, and charming, and-..

Okay, maybe Sun had a little crush. But he wouldn't dwell on it now.

He had a cryptid to catch.

At around 3:30 is when he started to hear it. A soft, squeaking noise, followed by a humming sound. Sun tensed up a little upon hearing the noises, looking around. He had borrowed some books on moths from the kids one time, and he did know that the vibrating of a moth's wings made a soft humming noise. He smiled to himself. This might be the night I catch it!, he thought. An actual, real cryptid! Not some myth like the Loch Ness Monster or something- A real monster! The Moth Man!

He had to hide.

He jumped, grabbing his notebook and camera, and hiding behind a conveniently shaped tower of blocks, peeking out so that he could see the pile of merchandise he left out. 

And the eventual Moth Man.

Sun waited, watching intently and listening keenly for any sign of The Moth Man. But after a while..

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