new au motherfuckers

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hey havent updated this in a while sorry bout that

anyway new au, fuckinnnn backrooms entities DAs au

ok let me explain 

so. ya got sun and moon. theyre backrooms entities. 'well then how do they get into the daycare' shut the FUCK up im getting there

theres a portal behind the big balcony thingie that leads to a random level, which is always the one that the DAs are/were last in. this is on purpose, probably. idk yet lmao

so the DAs get into the daycare through there. 

originally, the daycare was being handled by human staff members who, quite honestly, hated their job.

sun snuck through, saw this, and fucking killed the human adults. 


because he can.

sun, even while stuck in the backrooms, always wanted to be a caretaker. he would normally take care of any little kids that happened to be stuck in the level he was in at the time.

thing is, though, most of these kids don't last long. half because of the other entities, and half because of moon.

see, moon's a little..different, than sun. anything that's in his way, or just kind of nearby, he'll probably kill. thing is, if anything thats nearby looks incapable of causing harm, he'll probably skip over it. which is why sun is so insistent on the kids sleeping when the lights are out.

now, that's not to say sun isn't also a killing machine. he just controls it a bit better. but, well, if you get him too angry..

eventually, moon learns to chill the fuck out a little. once he learns he doesn't have to be defensive, since there aren't any entities in the daycare. sun is a little more hesitant to calm down, though. wonder why.

anyway heres the sgrunklies

anyway heres the sgrunklies

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