-Morning Cuddles-

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(a/n, maybe a part 3? you can take it as a part 3 if you want lol)

(Cryptid AU lol)

[3rd person.]

Sun blinked his eyes open, realizing what was going on. His internal clock told him it was morning, around 5:30 AM.

Oh shit.

He needed to get ready for the day!

He'd already notified the staff that Monty couldn't make it to any shows today. Monty was injured, so they couldn't really say much. Hah! Yes!

But, Sun couldn't manage to convince the staff to close down the daycare that day. Which lead to this situation.

As Sun was about to get up, he realized something.

Monty was holding onto his arm.

Oh boy.

Sun softly tugged his hand away from Monty, much to the moth's disappointment, he guessed, because Monty tightened his grip slightly and grumbled.

"Monty, I need to get up." Sun said, giving a soft tug yet again.

"..Five more minutes..??" Monty asked softly.

"The daycare's gonna be open in 30 minutes, Monty. I can't-.." Sun hesitated. Only 5 minutes, huh? That wouldn't be so- No. Sun had to be the responsible one here. Even if Monty was fluffy. And soft. And nice. And charming. And he really did wanna stay for 5 more minut- No. Shhhhhh.

Sun sighed. "Monty, please let go??"

"..Ffffine.." Monty grumbled. "..But can I follow you-??"

"..Sure, Monty." Sun said, grabbing Monty's hand and getting up. Monty followed, wings fluttering slightly. Sun glanced at Monty's damaged wing. "But we have to change those bandages soon."

Monty nodded, staring into Sun's eyes and clearly not listening. "Mhm. Yeah."

"Monty? Were you listening?"


Sun sighed. "Monty, you should really go back to sleep. You need your rest."

Monty hesitated. "..Nah."

"Please-?? I promise you'll get cuddles after this."

"Hmmm..That seems like a fair trade." Monty grinned, winking at Sun. Sun felt his face heat up. 

Oh GODdamn.

"G-Good." He said, setting Monty down on the blanket. "Now stay."

"Can't promise anything."

"Monty, I need a yes."

"Fineee. I'll stay, yeah."

Sun smiled softly. "Alright, good. I promise to cuddle you more after this." He said.

Monty nodded once again, wrapping himself up in the blanket up to his antennae and falling asleep on the spot.

God, Sun is gay.

(a/n, sorry this one is so short lol. in writing this in school and cant come up with anything. ill probably have some art soon though! so. hell yeah)

(376 words!)

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