-Oddly Fluffy, For a Gator- (pt 2)

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(a/n, ok i know i said these were just oneshots but i couldnt resist making a continuation to this one)

(also! there's a tiny bit of gore in this chapter! not much, just a bit of a description of blood. if you arent okay with that but still wanna read, skip to "!!!! SKIP TO HERE !!!! ")

[3rd Person.]

Monty emitted a low clicking noise as Sun slowly tried to inch closer.

"It's alright, big guy. I promise I won't hurt you. I just want to patch you up, buddy." Sun said, glancing at Monty's wing, which was now soaked in blood. Ow. Guess he hit the structure harder than Sun thought. "Your wing's looking a little rough there. Come on."

Sun reached out to Monty, to which the moth shrunk away from Sun's hand. That didn't stop him, though. Sun was determined to nurse this cryptid back to health. So, he was patient and soft with his movements, eventually being able to pat Monty's head without the gator protesting or hissing or clicking.

As Sun began to gently scritch Monty's head, the gator began to emit a low rumbling noise. It almost sounded like..Purring. Huh. 

"It's okay, Monty." Sun said, smiling warmly. "Here-" Sun reached towards Monty yet again, to which the moth clicked and scrambled back. Sun frowned. He had intended to get Monty to one of the tables so he wouldn't have to be on the floor while being patched up, but it was obvious that he couldn't walk in his current state. The force of the fall had caused that, Sun was sure. But he couldn't help Monty unless the gator allowed him to. And Monty seemed pretty adamant on not wanting to be picked up.

Well, guess they gotta do this the hard way.

Sun sighed. "Monty, I can't help you unless you let me." He said, gently holding Monty's claws. "I just need to pick you up for a minute. Will you let me do that?"

Monty stared at Sun's hands for a moment, seemingly pondering what he should say, before deciding on simply nodding.

Sun smiled, opting to pick up Monty bridal-style. As he stood and began walking to the tables, he felt Monty begin to relax a bit, leaning into Sun's touch rather than scrambling away in a panic. Sun was glad that Monty was relaxing. Both because Sun knew that Monty felt safe, and because it would suck if Monty flinched and accidentally got a band-aid or something on his face.

He set Monty on one of the tables, deciding to look at the moth's wing first. He ran a hand along the fluffy bits of the wing, trailing his hand up to where the blood was soaking through the fur. After poking around a little bit, he heard Monty begin clicking, and he knew he'd found the wound.

"Alright, I'm gonna go get some stuff for your wing there. Stay here." Sun said, beginning to walk away when he felt a clawed hand grab his wrist gently. He looked back to see Monty, holding onto his wrist and looking up at him.

"Monty," Sun gently pried Monty's claws off of his wrist. "I need to go get this stuff. It'll only be a couple of minutes, okay?"

Monty reluctantly nodded, and Sun walked off. After about five minutes, he returned, bandages in hand, along with a small cotton ball and a strange, clear-ish plastic bottle. It was too dark for Monty to see the label, but he could tell it had the letter "A" somewhere on there. Probably not too useful.

Sun walked over to Monty, feeling for the wound again and opening the strange bottle, dipping the cotton ball in the liquid. "Alright," He said. "This might sting a bit."

Monty winced, wings fluttering slightly as Sun dabbed the cotton ball on the wound, being as gentle as physically possible as he muttered little apologies and used his free hand to pet Monty's wing, to try and soothe the big gator.

After a bit of this, Sun put away the cotton ball and got to wrapping the bandages around the wound. This, thankfully, was much less painful than the cotton ball, and only lasted a few minutes.

!!!! SKIP TO HERE !!!!

Sun smiled as he finished bandaging Monty up. "Done!" He proudly exclaimed. Monty looked back at his damaged wing, now wrapped delicately in clean white bandages. He reached out and touched the bandages curiously, feeling along them.

"You probably won't be able to fly until it heals," Sun said. "But that's alright! I can help you every step of the way, promise!"

Monty narrowed his eyes at Sun, wrapping his wings around himself protectively.

Sun decided to lower his voice a little. He didn't want Monty to be scared of him. He was here to help, after all. He wanted Monty to know that. 

"You'll be fine, I'll protect you. Pinkie swear." Sun said, holding up his pinkie. Monty looked on, confused. Has..Has he never heard of a pinkie swear?

"..It's a pinkie swear, Monty." Sun explained. "You..Don't know what that is?"

Monty shook his head.

"Alright, well, it means that I promise." Sun put his hand back down. "Now, you're probably tired, huh?"

Monty nodded uneasily.

"Can I pick you up?" Sun asked. Monty gave a small nod and Sun scooped him up bridal-style again, walking for a bit and setting him down, gently putting a blanket over him. Just as USN was about to leave again, he heard something.

"..Stay?" Monty had asked. Sun looked back, pondering it for a moment before going over to lay next to Monty.

"Of course, Monty." He said. And for the first time that night, Monty smiled.

It didn't take too long for Monty to drift into rest mode, purring softly as he shifted closer to Sun. 

Sun, however, could hardly sleep. He was too caught up in what had happened to be able to get a wink of sleep. And Moon's thoughts weren't helping either. Overall, Sun's mind was racing a mile a minute. He'd found The Moth Man! But The Moth Man was Monty? And now Monty was hurt! But he managed to patch him up. And now he's going to be taking care of Monty..And now Monty is sleeping. In his arms. Wait- In his arms?

Sun had been too caught up in his thoughts to realize that Monty had gotten closer to him, wrapping his wings around Sun almost protectively as he began to purr louder.

Sun blushed red. This whole situation had been a rollercoaster of emotions, and now Monty was cuddling with Sun in his sleep. 

Oh? I thought you had "Just a little crush"?, Moon teased in their shared mind.

No- I- It's not-- It's nothing like that!

Yeah, yeah, sure. 

I--I'd like to see you manage to not blush while this is going on!

Oh? Is that a challenge?


Hm. Challenge accepted, then.


Before Sun could stop it, he had already switched over to Moon, his spikes retracting and the left side of his face darkening. 

Well, shit.

Moon looked down at Monty, examining the situation in front of him and feeling his face heat up. Well. This is quite the predicament.

Hah! See? I was right!

Oh, shush, you. At least I'm not totally red like you were.

Moon hugged Monty closer, using his free hand to play with Monty's curly mohawk, whispering sweet nothings to the gator until eventually, he felt his eyelids getting heavy, as he, too, drifted off into rest mode.

(these bitches gay! good for them. good for them.)

(1234 words!)

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