what is POPPING homosexuals

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so. you know how i have branches of certain aus?

for example, fantasy au 1 and 2, the vampire sun au and werewolf monty au, shit like that?


i bring to you

a branch of the cryptid au!

so, yk how moon is a biblically accurate angel, right? eclipse is a fallen angel, and solstice (oh BOY you havent met him yet have you-) is a demon? and suns the only non-cryptid?

well what if that wasnt the case

what if literally no one but the glamrocks were cryptids

so, i present to you,

cryptid hunter DAs au!

for some fucking reason i decided to give them all different styles of how they would hunt cryptids and what they want the cryptid for.

so here ya go

sun would try and cater to the cryptid's fear, using love and affection to bring it out of hiding so that he can document it and hopefully befriend it.

moon would be banking on the cryptid being stupid as FUCK, outsmarting it to capture it and threaten it so it doesnt come around the daycare kids. or any kids. or people. the only reason he doesnt kill it is so that sun doesnt get mad

eclipse would do a little bit of both, using love and affection to coax the creature into a trap so that they can capture it, document it, and either set it free or mess around with it a bit. or kill it.

solstice would do neither, instead using the creature's fear against it to threaten it out of hiding so he can catch it and either kill it or just keep it there. after all, they were breaking the rules by being there. no one but the DAs, kids, and occasional staff are allowed in. no one else.

wait, no one else?

right. because in this version of the au, the staff care just a tad bit more about the kids. so none of the glamrocks are allowed in the daycare.

monty breaks the rules a lot, though. much to the annoyance of solstice.

which might come up later

oh, by the way

in both the cryptid aus, the cryptids are semi-human


because they werent always animatronics.

there was a big bounty for the first person to get a picture of the sasquatch, an avian, a hellhound, and the famed moth man in a room together. (a couple more if we're talking abt the original au) 

no one expected anyone to be able to do it, but fazbear entertainment saw MONEY. so they trained and sent out a couple cryptid hunters

within a couple weeks, they had gotten the bounty. they had all four (or more) cryptids together. and they didnt know what to do with them

one employee suggested turning them into robots and getting a profit off of them, and they already had all the glamrocks just lyin around at that point, so they did it

it was. very painful.

which is why every single cryptid there hates the staff

so, yea, fazbear entertainment rebranded the pizzaplex a bit and boom! cryptids

so theres a more in-depth explanation of both cryptid aus. if you guys have questions or requests, feel free to comment lol

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