-Rough Night-

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(Cryptid Hunter DAs AU first meetings but its moon because fuck you)

[3rd person.]

It was a night like any other. The sun was down, the lights were off, and the Moon was out to play. While normally, Moon would be stalking through the daycare to catch any intruders, one particular intruder had caught his interest. One that Sun had spoken of a lot. Some sort of Moth creature.

The children had spoke of this before, yes, whenever they wouldn't sleep. They always blamed their insomnia on The Moth Man or something silly like that. Though to Moon, this was believable. Especially if Sun was getting worried.

Now, Sun was somewhat responsible. There wasn't much that he would get too anxious about, other than the lights and a couple other things. But this..Seemed to freak him out.

Moon had taken note of this and devised a plan. A clever trap designed simply to bait the monster in and capture it. All he needed was some rope and a bit of merchandise and he was done. Simple.

So, there he was, perched atop one of the playground-esque areas and waiting.



He had a simple idea in his head about what he would do when the creature arrived. Just ask it a few simple questions, and let the creature go in the morning. Simple. Fool-proof. An amazing plan that could never go wrong.


After a moment of thinking to himself, he began to hear something. The rustling of wings, the soft clicking that had followed, and the eventual footsteps running across the daycare floor. 

Moon immediately took action, jumping down and cutting off the creature right in its path, grinning wide as his red eyes locked with its own, watching the red dots in the dark dilate in absolute fear as it tried to run, but it had stepped right into Moon's trap. Literally, in this sense.

The creature let out a yelp, followed by a clicking noise. And it was now hanging upside-down by its ankle above a pile of Sun and Moon plushies.

Worked like a charm.

Moon chuckled to himself, taking his time walking forward to see the creature. Now, with the amount of warning signals that had sounded off in his code, his night vision hadn't had the time to catch up to what was going on. But when it did..

Moon paused, upon seeing the one before him. The cryptid wasn't Moth Man, or a monster at all! Save for the wings, fur, antennae, and red eyes.

No, this wasn't a monster. Not if the mohawk, spiky arm and neck bands, and black leather jacket said anything about it.

This was..

"Montgomery..~" Moon purred, eyes scanning Monty. Or, in this case,Moth-y. "Never took you for a rule-breaker. Though I suppose I should have expected this sometime."

Monty stayed silent, antennae twitching slightly in response. 

"What? That is your name, isn't it, Montgomery?" Moon asked, watching Monty intently.

"..Monty." The gator had finally said, barely above a whisper.

"Well, pleasure to finally meet you, Monty. Now..What were you doing in the daycare?" Moon leaned closer to Monty. "That's breaking the rules, you know..~"

Monty felt his face heat up a bit at how close Moon was. He shrugged, averting his eyes. He was glad that Moon probably couldn't see his blush through the darkness.

Wait, what? Blushing?

Yep. Monty may or may not have a little crush on the Daycare Attendants. Despite having never talked to them, he liked the guys. A lot.

Aaand his tail is wagging. That's great.

Moon's grin faltered a bit. "You don't know?"

Monty nodded in confirmation. He really didn't wanna say anything, mainly because he would simp himself into oblivion, but also because he didn't wanna give Moon anything to use against him.

"I somehow doubt that." Moon said, getting even closer and absentmindedly playing with Monty's antennae. "So either you tell me..Or I leave you here all night."

Monty blushed even more, and anyone could be confident that Moon could see. "H--Hey! Stop touchin' the antennas- You'll fuck 'em up." He finally managed to get out.

Moon grinned further. "My, my, naughty language from a Glamrock? What would the children think?~" 

Monty growled as Moon continued playing with his antennae. In truth, Moon just wanted to annoy Monty a bit so that Monty would give up why he was there. But then, something strange happened.

A low rumbling sound emitted from Monty, almost like..Purring?

Moon's hands stilled as he realized what just happened. So, guess Monty likes getting his antennae pet. Good to know.

Moon snickered. "Enjoying yourself, I take it? This is an interrogation, you know. You're meant to be cowering in fear, or something. Not purring."

Monty growled, sinking into his shoulders and averting his eyes.

"Don't get angry. It's amusing how easily you let down your guard. I mean, there was the blushing, your tail wagging, and now the purring." Ah. So Moon did notice. "Do you do this with everyone?~"

"N--No- I just-.." Monty stuttered out.

"Oh? So I'm a special case, then?~" Moon grinned. 

"I-It's nothing like that! It's just- I-I'm..Tired..???"

"Oh, no need to act angry. I'm truly flattered, Montgomery." Moon continued petting Monty's antennae, his movements now more calculated and precise. "I'll be honest, Sun has had a..Little 'Thing' for you ever since he first saw you."

Before Monty could respond, Moon leaned closer, to the point that they were mere inches away from eachother. "And I'd be lying if I said I didn't feel the same about you."

(HAH, cliffhanger)

(891 words!)

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