-Good With Kids, I Think-

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(a/n, this idea was made on the glittergolf discord server thingamajig. originally it didnt have monty in it but i couldnt bother with making a new book so monty gets to be in this. as a treat)

(also im making the kid gregory because this feels like smth he would do)

(anyway this is the backrooms au thingie, enjoy your gays + little fuckin gremlin child)

[3rd Person]

Gregory, in short, was pissed. He had to sit at the daycare while Freddy did some random animatronic work. And the worst part? Gregory couldn't even mess with Sun! Or any of the daycare attendants for that matter. Because, for some reason, they were gone.

So this left Gregory feeling bored as hell. I mean, he /could/ go off and escape or whatever, but, honestly, he was ever-so-slightly worried for the daycare attendants.

..Yeah, no, he just didn't feel like escaping  right then.

So, he came up with a better plan! He was gonna see what the fuck happened to Sun. What- What /did/ happen to Sun?

Gregory's eyes quickly scanned the room. His eyes locked on the weird balcony thing. Wait, that has a door, right? Hah! That must be where they went. Thing is, though, Gregory didn't know how to get up there.

Well, it must be his lucky day, because Montgomery fuckin Gator walked right through the daycare doors. /He/ probably knew where Sun went.

Monty looked around the daycare for a second before locking eyes with Gregory. "..Yo, kid, d'ya know where Sun is?"

Gregory shrugged. "I dunno. Might be up there." He said, pointing to the balcony.

"Oh! Sweet. I think I might know how to get up there." Monty flashed a quick smile, starting towards the balcony only to have Gregory tug at his sleeve to stop him.

"Can I come with?" The kid asked.

"..Fuck no." Monty tugged his arm away from Gregory, continuing to walk. Though Greg decided to follow him because why the fuck not.

"I mean, I /could/ tell everyone about you and the Sun guy-"

"Okay, okay! You can come with!" Monty snapped. "Just don't tell anyone."

"That's what I thought." Gregory grinned, tone smug as the two continued walking.

[timeskip because how /would/ they get up there? idk man magic]

"Okay, kid," Monty huffed. "You're up here now. Happy?"

"/Very/." Gregory commented.

"Good. Now just stay here and wait until I-.." Monty reached for the curtains leading into the room, opening them to reveal a long, /long/ hallway. "..Come..Back."

Gregory leaned over to look into the room. Though, rather than a room, all he could see was a long hallway, with yellow wallpaper and fluorescent lights on the ceiling. This-..Was definitely not what he saw whenever Sun jumped into the ball pit.

And even weirder was when the walls changed from a pale yellow to..Pink.

Gregory, shrugging, immediately stepped into the weird pink house-like thing, to which Monty pulled him back.

"Not so fast, kid. Rules still apply. You stay here 'till I come back." 

"Oh, so I guess you /really/ want everyone to know about you and Su-"

"Fuck! Fine. Fucking fine." Monty interrupted, pushing Gregory into the house. "If you get hurt, that ain't on me."

"That works for me!" Gregory smiled, then started walking down the hallway, to which Monty begrudgingly followed.

As the two looked around, they could tell something..Wasn't right. Or at least, Gregory could. Monty was probably too pissed to think much of it.

There was something weird going on. These hallways, these rooms- They seemed like they were never-ending. And there was still no sign of the daycare attendant.

Though, as Gregory walked through the long hallways and cutesy rooms, he couldn't help but feel that something was..Off. That there was someone else there. That that someone else was watching him.

Gregory shook the thought away. Maybe- Maybe it was just his imagination. Maybe he was just imagining feeling eyes boring into the back of his head, or the feeling that someone was just behind him and Monty, lurking.


He glanced over his shoulder only to catch a glimpse of a pitch black figure retreating into the shadows.

Okay, yeah, this wasn't just his imagination this time.

Gregory turned his attention back in front of him. If he could just keep walking, they'd find Sun. And then he could make fun of Sun and Monty for being gay robots or whatever. And so he continued walking and didn't question a goddamn thing. 

That was until he heard Moon's low, raspy chuckle behind them.

"My, /my/..What do we have here?"

(quick break for dramatic effect!)

Monty and Gregory immediately spun around to face Moon. Or..What they /thought/ was Moon. 

The creature had the same night cap, cape, same everything basically..But it was all faded. The colors were all wrong, and the jingle bells on the creature's wrists and hat didn't sound right at all.

There was also the fact that it's entire body was pitch black- yeah maybe i should have mentioned that-

A wide, toothy grin was etched across the creature's face as the white, glowing ring they had for an eye focused in on Gregory and Monty.

"Uh-" Monty stuttered, swallowing nervously. "M-..Moon?"

The creature spun their head. "Mmhmmm.." They, apparently Moon, hummed. "What are you two doing here?"

"Your boyfriend was worried." Gregory commented.

"NOT boyfriend-" Monty snapped. "/Friend/. Just friend-"

"Mhm. Sure, Anyway-" Gregory turned his focus to Moon. "What /is/ this place?"

"Well.." Moon started. "..I don't know."

Well then.

That's definitely not the greatest.

(880 words!)

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2022 ⏰

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