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"Hmm hmm hmm~"

Minjeong is humming to a melody that only her knows. A shower after working out is a must. You automatically feels more energetic as ever. Even though she's on leave, she needs to maintain her stamina and strength so that it will not affect her performance after making a comeback. If she can't use her lower body, then she can train her upper body. She is slowly adapting to her new life now, though she has a week left before her holiday is over. For now, her schedules are as follow:

8-9 a.m: Get off the bed to take shower and breakfast

10 a.m - until she feels like stopping: Workout

After working out: Shower for an hour

After showering: Hang out in the living room while searching for tv shows that she might like but end up switching it off because she realises she doesn't has any

After killing time with tv: Plays with nintendo switch, but only last for 10 minutes because the game is boring.

After doing absolutely nothing: Realises that it's 3 p.m and it's time to take a walk at the street where she encountered a girl who makes her heart flutter, with hope she can meet her again.

8 p.m: Realises the girl is not coming and the coffee shop is closing soon so it's time to go home.

9 p.m: Again taking shower, dinner and self-reflection about why God didn't grant for her wish to meet the girl before going to bed.

11 p.m: Slowly going into the dream land with anticipation at least God will let her meet the girl in her dream.

5 a.m: Pissed off because she will wake up automatically for no reason but despite that, still continue to sleep.

7 a.m: Again, wake up automatically and can't fall asleep back no matter how hard she tries. But it's too early to get up so she just lay there on the bed, scrolling twitter until there's no more new feed available.

8-9 a.m: Repeat the same cycle even it bored her to death.

"Hello. I would like to order choc—"

"Chocolate chip frappe? As usual?"

"Huh? Ah... Yes."

"Thank you. Please wait for your order."

Now that really proves her as a regular customer of the cafe. Even the cashier now remember what she usually ordered. But today, the cafe is a little bit crowded. And again, she feels like all the eyes are on her the moment she took a step into the cafe. The first thing crosses her mind is maybe today is a public holiday, so people who is tired of walking upon the street stop by the cafe to grab a drink. If that's the case, then she might lose her usual spot but miraculously, no one's there. All other seats are occupied and only her seat is left. Well, maybe it's her luck.

"E-excuse me?" A stuttering stranger greeted her.

"Y-yeah?" She too stuttered.

"C-can I take a photo with you? I've been waiting for you for 3 hours."

"H-huh? Y-yeah. Sure."

And it doesn't stop there. More people want to take a photo with her and she seems to understand what's happening now. Someone might told the media that she is a regular there, hence her fans came by. But, who on earth? She has no suspects except of the workers there. Suddenly she feels like being used. She can just only taste a sip of her drink. She's unable to leave since the people is blocking her way and if she really just leave like that, they will think she's an arrogant girl. When she looks at the window, she finds Karina is already staring at her with a smile. She nods her head like crazy when she read her lips, mouthing 'do you need help?' to her.

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