At least for now

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It's her off day but Jimin can't relax at all. It's like her body is in her room but her mind is somewhere else. Plus, just now while having breakfast, she argued with her dad, again, for thousand times. And surprisingly, it's the same topic over and over again.

"Jimin-ah, this time appa found a suitable man for you."

"Come on, appa. Not this again." She continued munching.

"How long you're going to shut your heart? You're not getting younger."

"It's my heart. I'll take care of it myself." She gave an intense glare to her dad.

"Now, now. It's not nice to fight in front of meals." Her mom intercepted.

"Oh really? How? Last time I know, you bawled your eyes out."

"It's a mistake and I've learnt it the hard way." She put down her spoon now.

"An avoidable mistake, if and only if you follow my advice, my choice."

"25 years of living, never once in my life I disobey you except THAT one. You sent me to boarding school when I was 12, without asking me did I want to go there? You want me to choose science stream even I told you many times that I like literature more. You want me to be a doctor, when you knew my dream is becoming a lecturer. I literally live my life like it's yours and all you notice is just for THAT one mistake, just for THAT one time when I live my own life." She scoffed.

"Oh, now you're saying that you regret what you have now? If it's not because of me, do you think you'll become who you are right now? I MADE YOU WHO YOU ARE!"

It's getting tense and Jimin knew, she would never win her dad. It's no use talking about the past. What's done was done. But she can't held her tears, so she get up of the table, replying her dad before rushing to her room. She didn't care of her dad heard her or not.

"Yes, you made me who I am today. But have you ever asked me, what kind of person did I want to be?"

The fights earlier get her mind messed up. She knows she can't keep being this way, she has to control her stress. She dresses up to take some fresh air. Usually when she has a lot in her mind, she would call Ningning and Aeri and ask to meet up but unfortunately, both of them can't make time for her. So she went alone to the one of her favourite café and there she met Minjeong. The latter on the other hand looks surprised. And one thing to add to her concern, sometimes Minjeong randomly appeared in her dream since the unexpected confession months ago. It's worrying her because people say when you dream of someone, it's because you had been thinking about that person subconsciously. And she always feels like someone's defibrillating her heart whenever Minjeong secretly glancing at her or pouring her a glass of water or serving meat to her first before getting one for herself or by walking her home every single day. She always dismissed the 'weird' feelings she's experiencing though. But, unexpectedly meeting her today lift her mood up.

"Can I sit here?" She approached her with a cup of iced vanilla latte.

"Sure." Minjeong nodded.

"You came here often?" Jimin initiates the conversation. She doesn't know why, she wants to hear her voice. Minjeong has the calm tone whenever she speaks. Maybe because right now she's seeking for the calmness.

"Every weekend?"

"Wow. I didn't know you like this café too." She took a sip of her drink.

"I don't."

"Well, what a way to express, especially when you said you came here every weekend." She tittered.

"I met my first love here."

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