Author's Notes: An Ongoing Thread

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06/12/2022: Hello everyone, I figured it best to make a little section for anyone to read for any thoughts I have on my work! I've been thinking a little bit about what I've written and wanted to explain a little bit about this AU, because as readers are aware, there is no sight of Sailor Moon or any of the Sailor Scouts. At the moment, this is a universe where the Sailor Scouts have yet to exists and come into being. They're not dead, just really young in comparison to the young adult narrator (you!). The same goes for our boy Mamoru Chiba, just much older in this AU. Because of this, his role as a superhero is a little different than in the anime. There is an explanation that is being planned out and I don't want to spoil it for you here.

The Wish on the Moon is being written because of a lack of type of tuxedo mask x fanfiction I've been really wanting to read. There are one shots of yandere/stalker tuxedo mask, but every time I read them, I do feel they are a little too far off from his original character and therefore, his original charm. Those one shots are great! I still love them, but the are just too short for me. I want something I can come back to again and again to get another piece of the story.

To contradict everything I've just written, I want to also express my desire for this story to become more. I am working on a plot where Yandere!TuxedoMask isn't the center piece. In (what I deem) true yandere fashion, the yandere plot will take the background. Yet as the story progresses, it will slowly stalk through the main plot staying always present. I want it to slowly come into the light and take over everything more and more. This way there is a story to tell without it burning out and having nothing left.

06/14/2022: After posting the last chapter, I've decided to change the tags officially over to yandere ones. I don't want to have this story marked as mature, but it might with what I'm planning. I'll be looking into the community guidelines a little closer.

06/27/2022: Hello everyone. Thank you for the newfound support for my story! It means a lot. I'd like to apologize for my lack of uploading within the last few weeks. Work has gotten quite crazy, but I'll be trying to manage my time a little better in order to get back to posting more frequently!

07/03\2022: A friend of mine asked how is Tuxedo Mask a yandere if he acts so normal. After explaining to her my thoughts, I figured I should also put it here. As you've been reading you've probably figured out Mamoru is quite yandere. So Mamoru acts with a sense of grandeur regardless if he is Tuxedo Mask or not, but because he is an attractive superhero he gets the attention he desires. Yet doesn't receive the same attention for the same actions while just a civilian man. No DID, no split personality, no bipolar disorder, I don't swing that way when I write. I use writing as an escape and never intend to misrepresent anyone! Hope that clears some things up!

This story will continue! I will be going through and changing the wording and verbiage to the 2nd POV. I've been finding it more restrictive to right in the 1st POV, which is why I've stopped writing for so long. So you'll see that everything will be a construction zone for the next few weeks.

03/28/2024: Guess who? I don't know what this anymore, but I do enjoy writing on it from time to time. I just... life took one of the worst turns that I couldn't have ever imagined. 

The Wish on the Moon (Yandere!Tuxedo Mask x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now