Chapter Five: Handsome-Dark-Stranger Type

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Tuxedo Mask and I walked down the streets awhile after the attack, surveying for any more creatures. We found none. Unfortunately I knew that the lack of danger meant he would soon depart. So I did everything within my power to keep him captivated enough to stay a little bit longer and longer.

"So Ms. what is your name?" He asked. I opened my mouth to respond, but before I could he spoke once more. "Before you answer remember that I'm not asking you for your civilian name."

"Right. Good point, Tuxedo Mask." I pondered it silently.

"Perhaps it was too soon to ask you. Only tonight did you learn that you had such greatness inside you. Isn't that correct?"

"That obvious?" I sighed back to him. He chuckled in his deep voice smiling to me.

"It's quite alright Ms. No one has such great beginnings." He stopped me, placing a hand on my shoulder. I didn't know if he could see my lip begin to quiver, or how my eyes fluttered. "For your first night, you fantastically. You did not run or cower. If you had hesitated a second, I have no doubt that young woman would have died."

"Thank you," I whispered with a smile. He brushed his hand against my cheek lightly. I felt the soft material of his gloves and the warmth of the fingers that hid beneath. I looked to his eyes, unashamedly taking all the time I desired to study them. He began to turn away. "Please," I caught his hand. "Don't go just yet." He leaned in close.

"I'm sorry Ms., but I must. And so must you." Then I blinked and he was gone. I let my power leave me. The armor faded back into my usual attire. Once again, I was me and not the unnamed hero.

The next morning I began packing. If it wasn't for Carla, I don't think I would have packed at all. This weekend's Carla's volleyball team was traveling to their state conference and I was lucky enough to go.

As soon as I was ready, we shoved everything into the tiny car, looking ready to burst at any moment. I headed back inside to lounge around on the couch and do nothing. And for once, Carla did the same. She spent the time painting her fingers and toes a bright red and gold.

"Why those colors? They don't match your team colors."

"Oh I know. I just like them," Carla smiled. "Do you want yours done to?"

"You know what? I think I do!" I exclaimed thrusting my toes toward her as fast as I could managed. She giggled, grabbing my feet and swinging my legs around. I started kicking back frantically to free myself from her grasp.

"No!" she jokingly growled in a deep voice. "You can never leave." We played for a little bit longer until I called for a truce. She obliged and began to paint my toes. By the time they were dry, my phone pinged with a new message. It was Harper, asking to come over.

She eventually came over, lightly apologizing with how long it took. As she talked about her daily adventures at the community garden, the sent of lavender lightly wandered to my nose. Only after she took her sandals off did she realize how dirty her hands were, and washed them off in the sink. Her light brown dress all the while gently bouncing off her legs with every stride.

"So I heard you two have a fantastic weekend ahead!"

"Yeah," Carla smiled, looking up from painting my fingernails. "Coach was even cool enough to use the leftover funds to take us on a dinner cruise. That'll be a blast."

"Oh you're right! How dreamy," she swooned back. "Just imagine it. You'll be dancing when a handsome stranger asks to take your hand for a spin around the floor."

"Wouldn't that mean I would have to learn to dance first?"

"You don't know how to dance?" I asked.

"Yeah," Carla quietly responded, retreating within herself. Harper started walking to the couch.

"Hey, hey, hey," Harper began to console, brushing her fingers through Carla's hair. "I can teach you."


"It's like a sports practice. You rehearse special moves with other people and put them all together once you've perfected them! Besides, I don't think either of you know how to dance. So you're not alone Carla."

I felt my cheeks begin to bloom as red as the flowers in the vase. "I've danced... Once," I trailed off.

"What?! When?" Harper and Carla exclaimed in unison.

"I need all the details!" Harper prodded.

"Like I said, it was once. And I wasn't very good. He was great though."

"Who?" Carla asked.

I opened my mouth to speak, just to close it shortly after. "To be honest, I don't know."

"Max?" Harper huffed. Just hearing his name boiled my blood and heavied my heart.


"Then who?" Harper asked while leaning on the back of the couch. I began to panic. Should I have told them about my encounter in the woods from the start?

"I was walking through the woods. This guy was there, a handsome-dark-stranger type. He asked if I would like to dance. I didn't want to, but he persuaded me otherwise." I watched as Carla furrowed her brows.

"I thought you weren't over Max."

"I'm not!" I sat and thought about it some more. "I am?" I questioned myself. "I don't know. It was one dance."

"Did he disgrace you in anyway?"

"No. Just one dance, then I went on my way. I never learned his name and he never learned mine."

"I suppose if that is what it is, then it's harmless," Carla sighed. She stood up, stretching. "I need to head out. I'm meeting with the team tonight. I'll catch up on your steamy one night romance later."

"I'll fill you in on all of the details," Harper giggled.

"Sounds good," Carla responded before heading into her room to fetch her purse. "See you tonight," she smiled and headed out.

This was the moment that I knew Carla knew much more than she was leading on.

The Wish on the Moon (Yandere!Tuxedo Mask x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now