This restaurant was interesting. The random colors didn't land on a specific vibe and their menu followed the same pattern. I wasn't sure if they wanted to have a statement of inclusivity or not but I wasn't sure how I felt about the whole thing.
Either way, the three of us stared down the menus, commenting on the odd assortment of foods. Edward and Holly ordered drinks and Holly even managed to get a free appetizer.
I noted the oddity of our group again when we ordered our food. Edward got the fish tacos, Holly got the mac'n'cheese, and I (per usual) got a burger. Conversation was easy, although mostly derogatory towards each other and ourselves.
The food was good, although apparently the drinks weren't. Edward took two sips of his and then set it down for good. I had to wonder if there was a point to even getting anything because I'd never seen one of my friends drink a whole drink.
Either way, the meal passed by as the rest of the day had, simple and quiet. I posted Edward on my snapchat story and was quickly bombarded with comments. Half of my friends expected me to be dating him already and the other half firmly disapproved. I fell somewhere in the middle and thus never landed one way or the other.
Edward bought. Part of me wanted to protest and the other part of me just shrugged and sat back. Truthfully, I appreciated it, although I would probably never admit to it.
The three of us headed back to the apartment. We plopped down on the couches, deciding what we wanted to do next. Finally, ice cream was the verdict... though swiping through a few dating apps for each other seemed to be a close runner up.
Edward drove yet again. The popular ice cream shop was crowded and it took us a while to get to the front. We observed an awkward first date and listened to the babbling of different languages blending into on environment.
And although the air conditioning was nice, the three of us were glad to be back out on the street to wander around downtown. The breeze blew over the water and I felt another wave of homesickness. Funny, this city was bigger and somehow less crowded and yet I still missed the bustling beach town that I grew up in.
We settled in at a picnic table and the jokes started again. Dating was a hot topic although none of us seemed to be doing very much of it and if we were, it wasn't going well. I had been asked for nudes twice that week, Edward had gone on a very bad date like a month ago, and Holly found herself avoiding dating altogether after the last jerk she'd gone out with.
Edward was right when he said we'd all still be single and living together in the next twenty years, which is why we jokingly agreed to go for matching tattoos eventually.
The tattoo comment sparked more jokes until I completely agreed to wear a tee shirt that says "Daddy's in charge" if Edward wore one that said, "I'm daddy." I'm telling ya, I have zero standards.
Awkward as the three of us might be together, I finally felt as though we might actually become a family in the next couple months.
After Class
General FictionThree college graduates strike out on their own, although not nearly as smoothly as expected.