Chapter 4

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"So what's your guy's plan?" Thomas and Jake look at the girls.

"There is definitely some feeling there for Sydney, what about Jacob?"


"Well Tab and I were thinking, maybe we should do a karaoke night. Jake, you'll hit on Sydney."

"But I'm not into Syd that way-"

"We know that, but listen. If it works the way we are thinking, he'll get jealous and he might try getting Sydney back."

"It's a good idea actually."

"I know right!"

- upstairs with you and Jacob -

"Maybe this was a bad idea?"

"Why? Did I do something?"

"No, your just making me want to kiss you right now and I-"

I sit up to reach his height.

"Then why don't you?"

"We both may regret it later."

"Just shut up and kiss me."

Jacob pulls me closer to him and kisses me. Neither of us pull apart until there is a knock on my door. I quickly throw myself back down on the other side of the bed.

It was Thomas.

"Are you guys good in there? It's been a while."

"Yeah, I was just leaving."

Jacob stands up and walks out.

"Hey Thomas, let the girls know I'm gonna head to bed."

"Will do. Night Sydney."

He closes the door.

How can one day already be so chaotic?

- With Jacob and Thomas -

"Dude is everything good with you and Sydney?"

"Yeah I just- I'm just confused I guess."

"About what though?"

"So uh.. I was talking to Sydney and uhm we kissed but I don't know if I just want to forget about it."

Thomas's eyes widen.

"Try going to sleep and see if you'll feel differently in the morning."

"That's a good idea."

Thomas goes back to the girls and Jake.

"We definitely have to go through with the plan now. They kissed."

"They kissed? He's gonna get so damn jealous if Jake can pull this off without being a baby."

"I don't know guys.. Jacob is one of my best friends-"

"Come on Jake. You have to do this. It's not like he's gonna hurt you- they aren't dating. Yet."

"Fine I'll do it."

Rewritten ~ Jacob Day 《Also Vinnie Hacker 》Where stories live. Discover now