Chapter 06: Hospital

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Dani's POV
The double doors burst open as Charlie runs in, face white with terror. He spots Ella, MiMi, and I sitting on a gurney.

Mika and I have sandwiched our older sister between us as the E.R. doctor looking into her eyes with a pen light. On the next gurney over, Tyler, the van's driver, lies with a mild head wound. Charlie rushed over to us "Are you three alright?" "We're fine, dad. Please, calm down" Ella tries to soothe him.

"I'm so sorry, Ella. I tried to stop" Tyler stammers out Ella looks at him and says "It's okay, Tyler" "It sure as hell is not okay!" Charlie snaps "But Dad, it's not his fault-" Ella tries to argue but Charlie sternly cuts her off by saying "We nearly lost you" that silences her as the gravity of the situation seems to finally set in.

Ella almost died today.

I see that Charlie feels guilty for snapping at her and he'd hug her, if that was who he, or who she was. Instead, he glares at Tyler "You can kiss your license goodbye" a masculine voice suddenly calls out "I heard the Chief's daughter was here" we look up as DR. Carlisle Cullen approaches.

Carlisle is looks like a model or a movie star. He has collar-length blond hair, is 6'2 ft tall with a well-toned medium frame, gentle eyes and looks to be in his early 20s.

"Good. Dr. Cullen" Charlie says catching our attention immediately. 'What's with this family? Why do they care about us so much?' I wondered "I've got this one, Jackie" Carlisle says to the E.R. doctor. Jackie hands Dr. Cullen the chart, exits. Dr. Cullen reviews Ella's chart, then feels the back of her head as he speaks "You have a nice knot growing back there, but your x-rays show no indication of concussion" Tyler pipes up and says "I'm so sorry, Ella. I'm really-" he's cut off when Charlie abruptly pulls the curtain between them.

Bella, who's been sulking in the corner the whole time, finally speaks and says "It would have been a lot worse if Edward hadn't knocked her out of the way" Charlie looks at Bella then at Carlisle and asks "Edward? Your boy?" Dr. Cullen quickly looks back at the chart. Bella's intuition flickers, sensing he knows something. She presses "It was amazing he got to Ella so fast. He was nowhere near her."

I suddenly feel a sense of protectiveness and loyalty enter and I speak up and say "What are you talking about? Edward was right next to the jeep when it all went down" Bella looks at me big eyed and says "What?" Mika follows my lead and says "Yeah he walked over before everything went down" Mika then turns to Ella and asks "Right Ella?" Ella seems to understand and says "Yeah, I think he wanted to talk to me about something, but then everything happened so he didn't get the chance..."

Carlisle seems to know what we're doing and smiles before saying "As long as you're all safe" and he puts a hand on Ella's shoulder and squeezes it gently before saying "You're free to leave now, but come back if there's any dizziness or nausea" we nodded and gathered our things before headed to the reception center.

Ella's POV
"I just have to sign some paperwork. One of you should your mom" Charlie says making Bella's head snap to him "You told her?! She's probably freaking out!"

He shrugs and hurries off. I shake my head, as Bella pulls out her cell phone and starts dialing. I wonder off with my siblings refusing to leave my side. I look down a hallway and see Rosalie is clearly furious at Edward who stands his ground. Dr. Cullen plays intermediary "This isn't just about you, it's about all of us - Bella saw what happened-" Dr. Cullen sees us and stops Rosalie.

"Let's take this in my office" he suggested and they all look up to see us.  Rosalie glares at Edward as she goes off with Dr. Cullen. Edward adopts a nonchalant air as I approach him while Dani and Mika follow after Rosalie to thank her

"Can we talk?" I ask. Edward nods and stands patiently waiting for whatever I wanted to talk about. I take a moment to gather my thoughts as Edward tries to gather what lies he'll tell me concerning my questions. I can tell that he wasn't prepared for me to throw my arms around him in a hug.

"Thank you......thank you" I whispered and Edward hesitatingly wraps his arms around me. Once I'm secure in his arms he releases a sigh and says "Your welcome" I continue to cling to him as a few tears slipped out. 'I almost DIED today and my only thoughts were what would happen to Dani and Mika? I'm not their big sister, I'm their mother and I have no plans for what will happen to them if I die' I squeeze Edward before pulling away.

"Bella's suspicious of siblings and I tried to deter her, but I don't know if it worked" I said. Edward nods says "Thank you..." I nodded before turning and walking away "See you at school!" I called over my shoulder.

I walk you towards the entrance only to bump into Rosalie. She scowls at first but upon seeing that it's me her scowl softens "Oh....hello" I smile at her and say "Hey...thank you" she looks caught off guard and asks "What for?" "For taking care of my siblings during the accident" I answer. She seems bewildered and says "Oh,'re welcome" I nodded and said "Also....I'm sorry for whatever Bella does on the future. I really hope that we can be friends" Rosalie seems floored by me as if she expected me to be like Bella and hound her with questions and only care about myself.

I turn to leave and see Dani and Mika waiting by the cruiser. I smile happy that they're safe.

That was the first night I dreamed of Edward Cullen..

I'm swimming, white skin aglow, hair floating weightlessly, sensually... suddenly, something blast past me. I spin. It's gone. Something blasts behind me. I spin again to find myself face to face with Edward and an older Jacob with short hair...

I reach for them lovingly, but they abruptly springs backward, just out of reach "No....not yet" they whisper teasingly.

~~~end dream~~~
I bolt up awake. In that split second, in the darkness, I see Edward, watching me. I snap on the light only to see that the room is empty. Bella lays on her bed snoring obnoxiously loud.

I flip back on the bed and think 'Was I dreaming?'

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