Chapter 07: Field trip

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Ella's POV
Bella stands in the exact spot of the accident. I was parked next to her. Behind us, on the lawn, several classes congregate, gathering for a field trip that only Sophomores and Juniors were attending. Mr. Molina is in charge.

"Make sure I get your permission slips" Mr. Molina called out. Bella was staring at the skid marks on the pavement. I can't help but blush at the memory. Then I see Edward arrive with Alice and Jasper. Bella and I watch him, Dani rolls her eyes and goes to complain to Angela about her 'hetero' sister. We barely notice as Mike trots up to us "Look! You're moving. You're ALIVE!" He says to me in a mock Dr. Frankenstein voice.

I cringed and force a laugh while Bella glares at me in jealousy "... Yeah, false alarm.." I say half heartedly just wanting him to go away. He didn't take the hint. "Actually, I'm glad you're not dead cause - well, that would suck, plus I wanted to ask you - even though it's, like, a month away.." I zone out as I get distracted by Edward.

Edward's, head down, is in quiet conference with Jasper and Alice. Abruptly, he looks up, as if listening to me and Mike, though he's too far away to hear. I quickly refocus on Mike. Only to see steam practically pouring out Bella's ears and Mike looks at me flustered "So what do you think?" He asks I stare at him blankly and he continues "You want to go? To prom. With me?" I blinked.

"Oh! Umm well... actually" I stammer out. Mike deflates and asks "No?" I shook my head and repeated "No" Mike then asks "Why not?" I try not to get annoyed as I say "I only see you as a friend and Jessica is actually the one who likes you" he blinks "Wait what?" I nodded and gestured to Jessica "Jessica has a massive crush on you, and she's been dying for you to ask her to prom" Mike follows my eyes way across the lawn to Jessica. She smiles at us-- Suddenly Edward crosses in front of Jessica. He seems to be smirking.. 'prick' I think.

Mike suddenly smiled and says "I think I will ask her. Thanks Ella" I nodded and waved as he walked off. "I bet your just enjoying this!" Bella sneered accusingly I look at her and say "No actually. It's annoying and disgusting. I'm happy being single, unlike you" I then walk over to join Dani's bus not noticing Edward's disheartened gaze.

Mr. Molina and a Tour Guide lead several dozen kids through the greenhouse. Bella keeps an eye on Edward who's up ahead with Alice and Jasper. Edward pays her no mind as he watches me and Dani. Mr. Molina demonstrates the compost machine as the other students mess around.

"...c'mon, Eric, stuff that compost down deep... that's it.." Mr. Molina says as the machine gurgles and spins "... now Tyler, take a big steaming cup of compost tea.This is recycling at its most basic level —hey, don't drink that! It's for the plants!" Dani snickers at Tyler's dumbass while I rub my temples as if I have a migraine.

When Edward sees us pause by an ancient staghorn fern, he strides up to us "Hello, Edward" I greet as he nears. Dani glances over and says "Sup man of steel" He glances at her, merely nodding. We notice his fists clench, and unclench. I look at him, appalled by his rudeness. "Really?" I ask with a scoff. No response. I turn, start to walk away dragging Dani with me before she can flip him off.

"Did you mean what you said?" He suddenly asks I turn back to him "About what?" He immediately answers "About being happier single?" I stare at him jaw slacked while Dani slips away to go make Mr. Molina regret becoming a teacher and question his life's choices.

"How did you know about that?" I ask he dodges my question with another question "You didn't answer my question" I scoff and say "Well not telling you things is just about the only way you'll talk to me or even acknowledge me. You won't even say hello" I walk away but he catches up and says "Hello" I try to fight the smile that tries to appear on my lips "How are you?" He continues seeing me loosen up around him "I'm fine, Mr. Cullen, how are you?" His lips twitched upwards and he said "I'm better now, Ms. Swan."

We're interrupted when Bella storms past and tries to knock me over only for her to trip and Edward to catch me "It helps if you actually watch where you put your feet!" Edward snaps at Bella as he steadies me. Bella gets off the ground and storms off in a huff.

"She's jealous that you're talking to me. She has a little obsession with you" I tell him before grasping his icy hand "Thanks for the second save" I allow my gaze to search for Dani to check on her. After confirming that she was just making Mr. Molina want to take an early retirement, I turn back to Edward as he says "You're welcome."

I continued walking with him following. I relent and say "No, I didn't mean it. I just want Mike, and Eric, and Tyler to stop flirting with my siblings and I and leave us alone" he nods and walks away finally having his answer. I frown in disappointment as Jessica suddenly rushes up "Guess who just asked me to prom!" I smile and pretend to think "Is it Mike?" Jessica beams as she says "I totally thought Mike was going to ask you, Ella. Is it gonna be weird?" I shake my head
"No way. Zero weirdness. You guys are great together" Jessica practically bounces on the balls of her feet "I know, right?"

Giddy, Jessica rushes to catch up with Angela. I grab Dani and head out the door that leads to the parking lot where everyone's looking at the compost worm box, and grossing each other out with the slimy creatures. As I back Dani away before her mind can come up with a Loki-worthy prank Edward steps up.

"Ella, it would be better if we weren't friends" he blurts out. I can't help but feel extremely hurt by this. I don't know what possessed me but I suddenly blurt out " Too bad you didn't figure that out earlier. You could have let the van crush me and saved yourself all this regret!" Edward looks just as hurt by my statement and snaps "You think I regret saving you?" I scoff and a few tears slip out against my will.

Dani becomes pissed while Edward looks regretful. Before either can say anything I speak again "I don't want to play these stupid mind games Edward. I'm too tired for it. If you want to be my friend? Fine. Say it. If you want me Romantically? Then just tell me! If not then just stay the hell away from me and my family!" I then storm over to my bus where I sit in the back and quietly cry.

Dani joins me a little while later holding her hand and red faced from yelling. I peer out and see Alice going off on Edward who's clutching his cheek.

I pat the seat next to me and Dani sits down. I inspected her hand. After confirming that there's no broken bones, I pull her into a hug and kiss her temple "Thanks" I whispered. She snuggles into me and says "No problem."


















Bella then gets on and starts hounding us with questions about Edward making us both groan.

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