Chapter 08: The bad guy?

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Ella's POV
The next day I push through the doors leading to the cafeteria and my siblings and I enter. I instinctively glance over at the Cullen table.

Edward with his siblings. He doesn't look at me. Hurt and anger fill me and both Dani and Mika notice. Mika wraps an arm around me while Dani fixes the table with a glare. I shrug it off and usher my siblings to join our table. Bella stared at Edward trying to get his attention making me roll my eyes. I drop my book bag on a seat and Eric says "La Push, baby. You in?" Before I can answer Bella asks "Should I know what that means?" This makes Mike answer as he assumes that we all don't know about First Beach.

"La Push beach, down on the Quileute rez. We're all going after school. Big swell coming in" he says and Eric adds with a dramatic pose " And I don't just surf the internet" Jessica rolls her eyes and blandly says "Eric, you stood up once. On a foam board" Angels adds while looking at Mika, hoping to appeal to them "There's whale watching, too. Come with" and Eric starts chanting "La Push, baby. It's La Push" Dani rolls her eyes and says "We won't go if you keep saying that" I snicker before heading to the salad bar.

I artfully design an architectural salad. As reach for an apple, Edward is suddenly next to me "Edible art.." he says, charmed. Startled, I jolt and drop the apple. Edward catches it with his foot, hackeysack style, then bounces it back into his hand, the red of the apple, stark against his pale skin. He presents it to me with small smile.
"Thanks... but your mood swings are giving me whiplash" I say reminding myself that I'm supposed to be mad at him "I said it would be better if we weren't friends, not that I didn't want to be" he says making me sigh in annoyance "What does that even mean?" I snap.

"It means if you were smart, you'd avoid me" he says before he inadvertently glances at his four inhumanly beautiful siblings, who wait for him, expectantly, at their table. I note my own, very human friends and siblings monitoring this conversation from their table. Mike glowers jealously. While Dani starts cracking her knuckles she gives me a questioning nod making me shake my head and say "Maybe if you could make up your mind and stop making a spectacle of yourself with me we wouldn't be in this position Edward" he turns to look at me in surprise before glancing at the floor.

"Alice said that I should apologize for yesterday" he says making me scoff "That's the only reason you came over here?" I turn back to fussing over my salad. I can feel his gaze on me "I do owe you an apology. My behavior towards you was horrendous and it made you cry. I'm sorry, Ella" he then turns to walk away.

But I want him to stay a minute longer so I look over and say "So let's say, for argument's sake, that I'm not smart. Would you talk to me? Tell me the truth?" He turns and leans his back against the salad bar and says "Probably not. I'd rather hear your theories" amusingly. My lips twitched as the real side of Edward came out. The side that I was rapidly becoming fond of.

"Okay... how about radioactive spiders? Kryptonite?" I say. Edward levels his gaze and challengingly says "You're talking about superheroes. What if I'm not a hero? What if I'm a bad guy?" I look closer at him before saying "No. I don't believe that. You're not bad. You can be a jerk, but it's like this... mask. To keep people away" He's taken aback by my words, my insight. A familiar feeling of magnetism appears and we're both drawn in.

"Look, why don't we just - hang out. Like... come to the beach with us. It'll be fun - sand fleas, wind burn,  salt water stinging your eyes..." I say attempting to ignore the urge to wrap my arms around him and hold onto him tightly. Edward gives me a small smile as he considers it "Which beach?" I immediately answer, hoping he'll say yes "La Push"  His smile lessens almost imperceptibly and the smile that was growing on my face disappears as well.

"Is something wrong with that beach?" I ask Edward glances over at Mike, the two exchange cold looks. "It's just a little crowded" he says before he walks away. I sigh and take my salad back to my table. As soon as I sit down Bella starts interrogating me "What did he say to you? What did you two talk about? Did he tell you about the accident? Did he ask about me?"

Dani and I both roll our eyes before Dani says "Oh my god, Bella! Shut the fuck up! It was a private conversation that has nothing to do with you! I know it's hard not being the nosey attention seeker 24/7, but could you please for once in your life act like a normal human being and not a permanently horny yandere?" Bella shuts up as everyone at the table snickers.

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