ten - totally, completely, utterly in love

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Eddie continued talking. "I don't know what happened but if you're being awkward because of ME, then simply tell me, because I can't deal with silent treatment. I want to know what happened and why, because I'm that kind of person, so if you could kindly just-" And he was silenced.

Steve took Eddie by the neck, pulling him towards his face and leaning in. It all happened very fast. He put their lips together, placing his other hand on Eddie's cheek, cupping it. Eddie stood for a moment, shocked, then melted into the kiss. It was heated, full of passion. Eddie's lips were rough on Steve's soft lips, but they fell together like puzzle pieces. Eddie's eyes fluttered open as he realised what just happened.

Eddie had been crushing on Steve since forever, but always told himself he had no chance, he likes only girls, he doesn't like guys or just guys like him. He turned his feelings down every time by reminding himself of that but then... Steve made the first move for him.

They pulled away. Steve was still cupping Eddie's cheeks, which were red, flushed. Steve's eyes widened. "I'm so sorry." He began, snatching his hands off the other's cheek. "I'm sorry. That was totally overboard. I didn't mean to-" He apologised, shaking his head with a tremble in his voice. He didn't ask whether Eddie wanted that or not and immediately said sorry. The usual Steve move. Eddie smiled softly. He looked into Steve's eyes with admiration. "I've been waiting for that to happen." He chuckled, leaning against the cold metal of the car once more. Steve stood for a second and agreed. "Yeah." He looked over at Eddie, who still had rosy cheeks. "How long have you known?" Munson asked, glancing over at the other. "Known what?" "That you had a crush?" "I... I guess that began when... technically speaking, it was love at first sight. Like.." He chuckled, smiling at his feet. "As soon as I saw you I was mesmerised. The way you dressed, the way you laughed, the way you cared." Steve explained, leaning his head back. He was totally, completely, utterly in love. He continued, "The way you did things, how you looked, I mean, your hair, your eyes, your hands. It was all so... admirable."
Eddie's smile dropped. No one, not a living soul has ever expressed their love to him like that. And it wasn't just love, it was admiration, desire, too. Eddie scoffed. "No one's ever said it like that before." "..Maybe they just didn't deserve you."
Eddie stood from the car. He walked over and stood in front of Steve, smiling. He leaned in for another kiss, which Steve replied to quite quickly. Steve tangled his hand within Eddie's hair, to which Eddie took him by the hips and pressed him against the car. They let go, and rested their foreheads together. "I'm sorry for not being honest." Steve said, looking right into Eddie's eyes, who shook his head. "I wasn't either, H."

They entered together, the others greeting them with a "Finally!"

Steve chucked the mattresses and pillows on the ground with a thud, glaring at them. "So, where's the pump?"

They finally set up, as Robin did an enumeration against the 7 VHS tapes. "Nuh-uh uh!" Eddie shouted, slamming a VHS on the coffee table. "We're watching this one first." He stated. It was The Shining. "A horror movie? If you knew me you'd know I hate horror movies." Steve expressed, crossing his arms. "That's the thing, Harrington.." He began, trailing over to Steve, getting all up in his personal space. "If you get scared you can cuddle into me." Eddie laughed, as Steve pushed him away by the forehead. "Ha-ha, very funny." He said, sarcastically. Robin looked at them, knowing she missed something.
Nancy began turning the TV remote on, as Eddie stopped her, snatching the remote. "Well where are we watching the movies? Another TV? You don't own a house but own two TVs?"She asked, shrugging and giving Eddie a puzzled face.
"On the TV? I'm no boring man." Eddie smirked, pulling out a projector, setting it down to showcase the movie on the crème wall. "I take it back." Nancy mumbled, crossing her arms and taking her cardigan off. "I'm gonna go get into my pyjamas." She said, trotting off as Dustin ran past her. "Not if I do it first!"

- wc: 745 words
an: posting this one early because of all the support on the last part!!! thank you all for ur continued support :)

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